
- Research, Success Stories

A study of an atypical form of DM1 will improve the diagnosis and management of this rare disease

The Neuromuscular and Neuropediatric Group at the IGTP, led by Gisela Nogales-Gadea have identified a subset of patients with an atypical type of myotonic dystrophy type 1 (MD1), which develops later and with more severe symptoms than usual. This has important implications for diagnosis of these patients, who can be misdiagnosed or not given the correct prognosis. It is also vital for managing the disease correctly in patients and their families. The study has been published in Human Mutation.

Two Can Ruti PhD students at the INPhNIT award ceremony

Two students have been awarded INPhINIT grants by “la Caixa” Foundation to complete their PhDs on the Can Ruti Campus. Emma Koehorst, has been working on Myotonic Dystrophy in the Neuromuscular and Neuropaediatric research group led by Gisela Nogales at the IGTP since last September. Ifeanyi Ezeonwumelu has started working at the IrsiCaixa on novel therapeutic strategies for HIV with Dr Ester Ballana Guix in the HIV Pathogenesis Group, led by Dr José A Esté.

- Research

The IGTP participates in the debates of the 11th Research Workshop of the ICS: childhood obesity and rare diseases

Experts in paediatric research agree on the need to anticipate and act on obesity from childhood. The importance of early interventions to prevent obesity and excess weight and research into rare diseases have been the main topics of the 11th Research Workshop of the Catalan Institute of Health (ICS), which took place at the Seminari de Tarragona (Centre Tarraconense).

- Outreach, Research

Can Ruti shows it cares for rare diseases

The IGTP and the Germans Trias Hospital face the spotlight for rare diseases again.  This year our professionals are joining World Rare Disease Day on the last day of February to highlight these diseases and shine a light on the research activities in the field on campus.