
- Investigación

Ahead Therapeutics SL, una nueva spin-off que desarrollará una terapia contra las enfermedades autoinmunes

La spin-off surgida de un proyecto de investigación entre IGTP, ICN2 e ICREA, ya ha conseguido 1,1M€ de financiación de inversores privados. La empresa biotecnológica catalana nace para desarrollar los productos terapéuticos y hacerlos llegar a la clínica. Utilixa una terapia con liposomas para frenar la reacción destructiva de tejidos propios, causante de las enfermedades autoinmunes, como son la diabetes tipo 1 o la esclerosis múltiple.

- Investigación

Cirujanos de Germans Trias idean Rutilight®, un dispositivo para mejorar la iluminación en el campo intraoperatorio

La spin-off Swan Medical SL, participada por el IGTP, lo ha producido y ahora empezará su distribución. El producto, llamado Rutilight®, se adapta a los instrumentos de cirugía actuales y permite un punto de luz centrado en el campo quirúrgico. Este nuevo dispositivo elimina las sombras de la zona a operar y facilita la iluminación en lugares poco accesibles: una herramienta que ha surgido de y para la práctica quirúrgica

- Investigación

MacroH2A1.1 regulates mitochondrial respiration by limiting nuclear NAD+ consumption

A new paper published by researchers from the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (IJC) and the Programme of Predictive and Personalized Medicine of Cancer, Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (PMPPC-IGTP) reveals a new role for macroH2A1.1. The project was spear-headed by Melanija Posavec Marjanovic and Sarah Hurtado-Bagès, two PhD students enrolled in the Pompeu Fabra University PhD program

- Investigación

A new way to diagnose hereditary cancers is already benefitting patients in the Catalan Health Service thanks to ground-breaking research by the Joint Program on Hereditary Cancer ICO-IDIBELL-IGTP

Researchers of the Joint Program on Hereditary Cancer ICO-IDIBELL-IGTP have designed and tested a new strategy based on next generation sequencing (NGS) for the genetic diagnostics of hereditary cancer. They tested it against other current commercially available NGS methods and the new method gave  better results. Previously patients were only tested for one or a small number of genes but now each patient can be tested for a wide range of genes in one single step and the results analysed using complex computing tools resulting in a much more efficient diagnostic process.  700 patients in the Catalan Health System have already benefitted from the new diagnostic approach

- Investigación

Carolina Armengol new leader of the CIBEREHD Group at the IGTP

Dr Carolina Armengol has been named as the new leader of the CIBEREHD Group (CB06/04/0033) at the IGTP.  She will take over from Dr Ramon Planas who has led the group during many years.   Dr Armengol has been working for 18 years on translational research in the field of hepatology, and especially on hepatic cancer.