
Two projects from IGTP funded by ”la Caixa” Foundation to transition their innovative research from the laboratory to patients

The first urine test that detects kidney fibrosis as an alternative to kidney biopsies, an initiative from the IVECAT group, and a project applying artificial intelligence to rapidly categorise stroke patients and enhance their recovery chances, from the Neurovascular Research group, are two of the fifteen projects from Catalan research centres selected within the 2023 call of the new CaixaImpulse Healthcare Innovation programme.

- Campus Can Ruti, Research

New lung cancer treatment boosts survival and could benefit more than 6,000 patients a year

A new lung cancer treatment has allowed 36.8% of patients to achieve complete tumour disappearance, compared to the 6.9% rate of the standard post-surgery treatment. In addition, 85% of patients survive two years after receiving chemo-immunotherapy before surgery compared to 63% who receive chemotherapy alone before surgery. The study involved oncologist from ICO Badalona and IGTP researcher, Teresa Morán.

- Campus Can Ruti, Research

TÉSTATE PrEP study underway

Recruitment for the clinical trial TÉSTATE PrEP has started. This clinical trial has been designed by the Centre for Epidemiological Studies on HIV/AIDS in Catalonia (CEEISCAT) to implement a pilot plan for online HIV/STI screening in PrEP users.