
- Innovation, Research

A new IGTP spin-off to develop a medical device for improving the diagnostics and prognostics of acute ischaemic stroke

Researchers from the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) together with doctors from the hospital have developed a medical device to improve the diagnostics and prognostics of acute ischaemic stroke. The objective of the technology is to optimize the current clinical algorithm for this type of ictus so that medical staff can take the correct decisions for each patient, before and after admission to hospital. To develop the medical device the spin-off company Time is Brain, led by Dr Alicia Martínez-Piñeiro has been created by the IGTP.

- Innovation, Research

The IGTP participates in an international project to validate serological tests for COVID-19

The Innovation in Respiratory Infection and Tuberculosis Diagnosis research group led by Dr José Dominguez and Dr Cristina Prat Aymerich have started a collaboration with the team led by Dr Lluis Cuevas at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine to develop and validate new serological techniques for diagnosing COVID-19. The project is financed by the Wellcome Trust (UK).

The IGTP coordinates a clinical trial to reduce the number of infections by SARS-CoV-2

The clinical trial will test whether the food supplement Manremyc® protects against infection with SARS-CoV-2 and starts this May. The Pharmaceutical company Reig Jofre is the sponsor of the trial. It is coordinated from the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute together with the IDIAP Jordi Gol Foundation. The trial will last three months and results are expected in October 2020.

100 RESPIRA ventilators from GAPInnova delivered to the SEM to continue clinical trials with COVID-19 patients in other hospitals

The emergency ventilator RESPIRA, developed by GPAINNOVA, with the support of the Hospital Clínic, Barcelona, the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute and the University of Barcelona have passed the first stage of the clinical trial with the first two patients affected by COVID-19 successfully. With the first phase complete, the study can be expanded to other hospitals in the region. Thanks to the support received from the public, companies and administrations today the first 100 emergency ventilators c have been delivered to the SEM for distribution.

The autonomous ventilation device (DAR) developed by the Hospital Clínic Barcelona, Germans Trias i Pujol, the University of Barcelona and GASN2 is authorized by the AEMPS to start clinical trials

The Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS) has today given the green light to test the device developed by the company GasN2 with the support of professionals from the Hospital Clínic Barcelona, the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) and the University of Barcelona (UB). The prototype uses a system of electro pneumatic valves to supply and control the volume of oxygen necessary for each patient. Support from civil society, companies and administrations has been key to the development of the design and industrial scaling up of the model to contribute to the provision of the ventilators needed by the health system.

Respira, the new ventilator device developed gets the go ahead from the AEMPS for clinical trials

The Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS) has approved a clinical trial with the ventilation device RESPIRA developed by GAPInnova with the support of professionals from the Hospital Clínic Barcelona, the Germans Trias I Pujol Research Institute and the University of Barcelona. This is the second device developed with the support of these organizations to be approved by the AEMPS for testing on patients at the Hospital Clinic Barcelona and at Can Ruti. The prototype of the RESPIRA device mechanizes manual ressusitations with AMBU devices providing automatic respiration assistance and monitoring.

- Innovation, Institutional

New ventilator device developed by the Hospital Clínic, Germans Trias i Pujol and Barcelona University with gets the go ahead from the AEMPS for clinical trials

The Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS) approves a clinical trial with the emergency ventilator device developed by the Barcelona company with the financial and scientific support of professionals from the Hospital Clínic Barcelona, the Germans Trias i Pujol hospital and the University of Barcelona. It is a device to automate manual ventilation processes and provide respiratory support for patients in emergency situations when conventional ventilators are unavailable. The support received from civil society, companies and administrations has been key in developing the design and industrial scaling of this model, which will contribute to providing the health system with the necessary ventilators.

- Innovation, Institutional

Can Ruti Campus, Hospital Clínic Barcelona and Barcelona University collaborate in a Ministry of Health project to develop emergency ventilators

The Germans Trias i Pujol and Clínic Barcelona Hospitals and the University of Barcelona are providing scientific support to develop a device that allows patients to be ventilated in the absence of conventional ventilators. Three Catalan companies (, GasN2 and Innova) are creating and adapting emergency models of ventilators to deal with the crisis caused by COVID-19. The three proposals are now in the simulation and experimental phases. When they have completed all the validations and have obtained the authorization of the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS) production will start on industrial scale. Support from civil society will be key in developing the three models and financing production to contribute to providing the Catalan health system with the ventilators needed.

The Comparative Medicine and Bioimaging Centre (CMCiB) opens its new facilities for research with bioimage

The Director of the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP), Manel Puig, and the President of the Canon Medical Systems Corporation (Canon Medical), Toshio Takiguchi, visited the CMCiB on Monday 14 October to view the new bioimaging facilities that complete the center as a pioneering research platform in comparative medicine. The CMCiB, a center promoted by the IGTP and a benchmark in comparative medicine, bioimaging and computational models, is a pioneer in the application of alternative methods of biomedical research that directly affect the improvement of people's health.