Aniling is among the projects selected for this year’s CRAASH Barcelona Programme
Ten international projects have been selected for the second edition of CRAASH Barcelona and Aniling is one of them. CRAASH is the business acceleration programme organized by Biocat and CIMIT (Boston). Aniling is a spin-off company of the IGTP, which has developed a method for analysing the genome and epigenome of a patient simultaneously, an advance in personalized medicine for both research and clinical settings.
CRASSH Barcelona trains the teams from the 10 selected projects so they can commercialize their technologies in a period of between 3 to 5 years. The teams are guided by mentors; experts from the European business ecosystem and from CIMIT (Boston), the health accelerator with the most experience in the world that has successfully accelerated more than 600 health technology projects. CRAASH Barcelona is an intensive 12-week programme in three phases. In the final phase, teams network and validate their projects in the Boston ecosystem, one of the most important in the world in the health sector, where they will present their projects in November.
The 10 projects taking part in this year's edition of CRAASH Barcelona have been selected from 65 candidates in 21 countries