The Research in Nursing Care Group (NURECARE) was formally set up in early 2021 to provide support and increase the effectiveness of nursing care research across the services of the Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital.
NURECARE works on projects from the planning phase to the science dissemination and popularisation phases. The group’s objective is to promote excellence in nursing research and to increase the quantity and quality of formal studies conducted within the hospital in this field.
The group provides support at all levels, from ensuring proper planning, methodology selection, authorizations, and grants through to pilot studies, the adaption of forms, the creation of data bases, and ultimately, the production of reports or publication of studies. These studies include those initiated by the hospital and external promotors, with the majority being linked to doctoral theses, or masters' dissertations.
Group leader
- Cristina Casanovas Cuellar
Cristina Casanovas Cuellar
Cristina Casanovas Cuellar is responsible for Development and Research of the Nursing Department at Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital (HUGTiP), and coordinator of the Nursing Degree at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona at HUGTiP’s Teaching Unit. She is a second-year PhD candidate in the UAB medical program. Her research project is within the field of chronicity. She has also participated in various nursing research projects on evidence-based practice, chronicity, quality of life, and advanced practice nursing.
Contact: ccasanovas.germanstrias(ELIMINAR)@gencat.cat
ORCID: 0000-0003-2077-1542 - Ariadna Huertas Zurriaga
Ariadna Huertas Zurriaga
Ariadna Huertas Zurriaga is a clinical nurse in the Research and Innovation in Care Support Area at Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital, Northern Metropolitan Management, Institut Català de la Salut. She is also an adjunt lecturer in the Nursing Degree at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). She holds a PhD from UAB’s medical program. Additionally, she has led and participated in various research and innovation projects in the nursing field, focusing on evidence-based practice, chronicity, quality of life, and advanced practice nursing.
Contact: ahuertasz.germanstrias(ELIMINAR)@gencat.cat
ORCID: 0000-0002-5303-6643
Research managers
Monica Castella Creus(ELIMINAR)
Sandra Cabrera Jaime(ELIMINAR)
Lucia Muñoz Narbona(ELIMINAR)
Jordi Puig Pla(ELIMINAR)
Isabel Navarri Ramos(ELIMINAR)
PhD students
Patricia Barroso Castaño(ELIMINAR)
Edgar Cervantes Llorens(ELIMINAR)
Mª Pilar Muñoz Rey(ELIMINAR)
Laura Cabrera Jaime(ELIMINAR)
Mª Angels Barbera Pla(ELIMINAR)
Marina Perpiñan Grogues(ELIMINAR)
Anna Moreno Orea(ELIMINAR)
Beatriz Diez Sánchez(ELIMINAR)
Research associates
Mª José García Quesada(ELIMINAR)
Laia Castellà Fàbregas(ELIMINAR)
Eva Janeiro Ochoa(ELIMINAR)
Laura Marin Sanchez(ELIMINAR)
Raúl Lopez Salas(ELIMINAR)
Tamara García Toro(ELIMINAR)
Mª Carmen Blasco Garcia(ELIMINAR)
Mª Eugenia Zapatero Rodríguez(ELIMINAR)
Emma de Llera Ferrer(ELIMINAR)
Natalia Calderon Ruiz(ELIMINAR)
Eva Porcuna Nicolás(ELIMINAR)
Miriam Moreno Moreno(ELIMINAR)
Marc Jante Castellvi(ELIMINAR)
Violeta Diaz Herrera(ELIMINAR)
Vanessa Hidalgo Garcia(ELIMINAR)
Laura Gómez Pardos(ELIMINAR)
Anna Morillo Rodríguez(ELIMINAR)
Dina Reina Sarrió(ELIMINAR)
Isabel Granados(ELIMINAR)
Research lines
Innovation and evidence-based care
High complexity care for people in acute, chronic and maternal-child situations
Care management and models: care based on quality, safety and efficiency
Active projects
PI: Mònica Millán Torné
Funding agency: Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII)
Agency code: RD21/0006/0024
Duration: 2022 - 2024
Escala nano: Adaptación transcultural y validación al contexto español en pacientes diagnosticados de neoplasia cerebral. Evaluación de una intervención para su uso
PI: Natalia Calderón
Funding agency: Institut Català d'Oncologia (ICO), Beca Talents-Infermeria 2022
Duration: 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2025
Impacte De La Implementació de Telemedicina a la HAD: Projecte e-Salut A Pacients Ingressats A Hospitalització A Domicili De l'Hospital
PI: Beatriz Díez Sánchez
Funding agency: IGTP
Duration: 2023 - 2025
Efectividad de la Realidad Virtual Inmersiva en el control de la ansiedad y percepción de confort en mujeres afectas de cáncer de mama en tratamiento de quimioterapia neoadyuvante
PI: Claudia Rosa Villacorta
Funding agency: Fundació Infermeria i Societat
Agency code: PR-602/2023
Duration: 01/01/2024 – 31/12/2026
UPPLong: enabling high value care in ulcers management
PI: Marc Jante
Funding agency: Agència de Gestió d'Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca, Indústria del Coneixement
Agency code: 2023 LLAV 00115
Duration: 01/01/2024 - 31/07/2024
Escala NANO: Adaptación transcultural y validación al contexto español en pacientes diagnosticados de neoplasia cerebral
PI: Natalia Calderón
Funding agency: Fundació Infermeria i Societat
Agency code: PI22/0534
Duration: 01/01/2023 - 31/12/2025
4D in the Digitalisation of Learning in Practice Placement
PI: Esther Cabrera Torres, Carlos Martinez Gaitero
Funding agency: European Commision Erasmus+ Program
Agency code: KA220-HED-000027496
Duration: 28/02/2022- 27/02/2025
More information
internsHips in futurE hospitALs
PI: Daniel Moreno, Cristina Casanovas, Raúl López
Funding agency: European Commision Erasmus+ Program
Agency code: KA220-HED-2021-011
Duration: 21/02/2022 - 20/02/2025
Conocimiento y actitudes del paciente hematológico joven sobre el Proceso de la Planificación de Decisiones Anticipadas
PI: Marta Lob-Levyt Siles
Funding agency: Fundació Infermeria i Societat
Agency code: PR-601/2023
Duration: 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2026
Catéter Central de Inserción Periférica versus catéter venoso central flexible en pacientes en autotrasplante Hematopoyético
PI: Sandra Cabrera Jaime
Funding agency: Fundació Infermeria i Societat
Agency code: PR-603/2023
Duration: 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2026
Medias no farmacológicas para la prevención del delirium en el adulto frágil hospitalizado. Cuidados de enfermería (PREDELENF)
PI: Miriam Moreno Moreno
Funding agency: Fundació Infermeria i Societat
Agency code: PR-603/2023
Duration: 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2026
Impacto de la reconstrucción del pezón en pacientes mastectomizadas, mediante inyección de ácido hialurónico reticulado
PI: Isabel Granados
Funding agency: IGTP
Duration: 2024 - 2025
Past projects
Eficacia del uso de diarios en unidades de cuidados intensivos
PI: Mª Pilar Muñoz Rey
Funding agency: Fundació Infermeria i Societat
Agency code: PR-284/2018
Duration: 2019 - 2023
Experiencia de las personas con enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal en relación con la práctica del coito anal
PI: Laura Marín Sánchez
Funding agency: Beca de investigación GETEII-Galápagos 2021
Duration: 2022 - 2023
Scientific publications
Highlighted publications
Castellà-Creus M, Delgado-Hito P, Casanovas-Cuellar C, Tàpia-Pérez M, Juvé-Udina ME. Barriers and facilitators involved in standardised care plan individualisation process in acute hospitalisation wards: A grounded theory approach. J Clin Nurs. 2019 Dec;28(23-24):4606-4620. DOI: 10.1111/jocn.15059.
Muñoz-Narbona L, Roldán-Merino J, Lluch-Canut T, Juvé-Udina E, Llorca MB, Cabrera-Jaime S. Impact of a Training Intervention on the Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia (PAINAD) Scale in Noncommunicative Inpatients. Pain Manag Nurs. 2019 Oct;20(5):468-474. DOI: 10.1016/j.pmn.2019.01.007.
Huertas-Zurriaga A, Palmieri PA, Aguayo-Gonzalez MP, Dominguez-Cancino KA, Casanovas-Cuellar C, Linden KLV, Cesario SK, Edwards JE, Leyva-Moral JM. Reproductive decision-making of Black women living with HIV: A systematic review. Womens Health (Lond). 2022 Jan-Dec;18:17455057221090827. DOI: 10.1177/17455057221090827.
Puig J, Echeverría P, Lluch T, Herms J, Estany C, Bonjoch A, Ornelas A, París D, Loste C, Sarquella M, Clotet B, Negredo E. A Specific Mobile Health Application for Older HIV-Infected Patients: Usability and Patient's Satisfaction. Telemed J E Health. 2021 Apr;27(4):432-440. DOI: 10.1089/tmj.2020.0098.
Cabrera Jaime S, Martinez C, Gonzalo Bachiller V, Zarza Arnau N, Martin Maldonado L, Belén Manrique Palles A, Artiga Sarrion I, Tierno Sanchez N, Julià Torras J, Sancho JM, Cabrera Jaime L. Participatory action research intervention for improving sleep in inpatients with cancer. J Clin Nurs. 2023 Apr;32(7-8):1218-1229. DOI: 10.1111/jocn.16279.
Additional information
Doctoral theses
Title: Adaptación transcultural y validación del cuestionario W-DEQ al castellano
Author: Celia Maria Ortega Cejas
Supervisor: Sandra Cabrera Jaime
University: Universitat de Barcelona
Date of defence: 16/01/2024
Evaluation: Cum Laude
Two IGTP groups lead a European analysis to understand key factors for digitalisation in practice environments
The research groups in Nursing Care (NURECARE) and Innovation, Health Economics and Digital Transformation (INEDIT) from the IGTP are leading the publication of the first report on the key factors for introducing digital technologies in professional nursing practice environments. Through this effort, professionals from the Germans Trias Hospital are participating for the first time in the design of a comprehensive analysis of the required changes, while also offering recommendations to ensure the success of any initiative aimed at incorporating these technologies into hospitals.
On the Erasmus+ program and digitalization in learning
The Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) and the Germans Trias Hospital have taken part for the first time in the Erasmus+ Programme with an ambitious project aimed at digitalizing student stays at the centre. The 4D Digitalisation of Learning Project aims to design mobile technology that improves learning for students taking a nursing degree an improve the communication between the healthcare centre and the university to enrich the student experience.
Ariadna Huertas Zurriaga