
- Research

Three IGTP Innovation projects receive CaixaImpulse grants

Three research groups at the IGTP have received three of the 21 grants in the 2019 call for CaixaImpulse, awarded by the "la Caixa" Foundation. The projects receiving the awards are led by Dr Katrin Beyer, Dr Francesc Borràs and Dr Alicia Martínez-Piñeiro and focus on improving the diagnostics for with Lewy body dementia; new non-invasive methods for monitoring renal dysfunction and new predictive markers for acute ischemic stroke respectively.

- Research

Seeking a consensus for Extracellular Vesicle Isolation

This year the Innovation in Vesicles and Cells for Application in Therapy (IVECAT) has published a protocol for Size-Exclusion Chromatography for separating extracellular vesicles from different biological fluids and a review of the current techniques available.

- Innovation, Research

Ana Gámez awarded the Pioner 2018 Award

Ana Gamez has been awarded one of the 2018 Pioner Awards from the CERCA Institute (Research Centres of Catalonia).  The aim of the prize is to recognize and highlight researchers who have just read their thesis and whose results have a clear commercial orientation.