
The VII Can Ruti Women for Equity in Science Symposium reflects on a broader gender perspective

The VII Can Ruti Women for Equity in Science Symposium brought together research and healthcare professionals to discuss the need for a broader gender perspective in these fields. Under the title Exploring a Wider Gender Perspective, the event focused on how gender diversity can be better integrated into biomedical research and healthcare, highlighting the importance of a more inclusive approach in generating scientific knowledge.

Institutional visit of the Catalan Minister for Research and Universities to IGTP to learn about its research and innovation projects in health

Núria Montserrat, Minister for Research and Universities, visited the CMCiB. The aim of the visit was to gain first-hand insight into the scientific and technological projects carried out in fields such as bioimaging, experimental surgery, and the validation of new medical devices and therapies. Additionally, the visit provided an opportunity to further explore IGTP's impact on translational research and its contribution to health innovation.

- Campus Can Ruti, Research

Researchers use the Hallmarks of Cancer to get a new perspective on tumour growth

A team led by the Cancer Immunogenomics group at IJC, BSC and IGTP shows, for the first time, that within a tumour, the expression of the different hallmarks of cancer is not cell-specific, but rather position-specific. Under this new light, tumour architecture emerges as a valuable source of information to understand tumour dynamics and predict its sensitivity to anticancer drugs.