
Amics de Can Ruti and Condis launch a new charitable rounding-up campaign for 2025

The funds raised from the campaign will be allocated to the Rutixef therapeutic cooking project at the Germans Trias Hospital.

- Amics de Can Ruti, Campus Can Ruti, Success Stories

On Wednesday, 15 January, Amics de Can Ruti took part in the launch event for Supermercats Condis Supermarkets' charitable rounding-up campaigns for 2025, which focus on health as a central theme. From 2 June to 13 July, the charitable rounding-up campaign will take place at Condis Supermarkets, through Worldcoo, benefiting Amics de Can Ruti. The funds raised will support the Rutixef project at the Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital. Last year, the charitable rounding-up campaign raised €17,539 for tuberculosis research conducted at the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) and the Germans Trias Hospital.

The event was held at Montserrat Abbey and was attended by Dr Núria Alonso Pedrol, head of the Endocrinology Service at the Germans Trias Hospital, leader of the Diabetes Research Group and director of the Rutixef project; Dr Jordi Barretina Ginesta, director-general of the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute; Dr Carlos Rodrigo Gonzalo de Liria, president of Amics de Can Ruti; and Anna Duran Vall-Llosera, head of Philanthropy at Amics de Can Ruti.

During the event, Dr Alonso Pedrol took part in a panel discussion with other healthcare professionals from hospitals across Catalonia, where she spoke about Rutixef, a therapeutic cooking project for patients who, due to their condition, must follow a specific diet prescribed by healthcare professionals in their daily lives. Through cooking workshops held at the new Cooking Classroom at the Germans Trias Hospital, Rutixef aims to facilitate patients' acquisition and adherence to these dietary recommendations.

If you want to learn more about Rutixef and support the project, click here.