
The Catalan Minister Gemma Geis visits the Centre for Comparative Medicine and Bioimage (IGTP-CMCiB)

The Minister for Research and Universities of the Government of Catalonia, Gemma Geis visited the Centre for Comparative Medicine and Bioimage (IGTP-CMCiB) this morning. The CMCiB is a reference centre for comparative medicine, Next-Generation surgery, infectious diseases, #BioImage and computational models and pioneers alternative biomedical research methods #3Rs, (reduce, refine and replace).

The Minister was accompanied by the Director of Knowledge Transfer, Xavier Aldeguer and they were able to tour the facilities at the centre and learn about the different projects being carried out. They also visited the state-of-the-art operating theatres and observed a robotic surgery training session in progress.

Jordi Barretina, Director of the Germans Trias i Pujol Institute (IGTP), to which the CMCiB belongs, received the Minister and hosted the visit. They were accompanied by Julia García-Prado, Scientific Director and Carles Esquerré, Managing Director of the IGTP, Sara Capdevila, Technical Director of the CMCiB and Jordi Ara, Managing Director of the Metropolitan North Region for the Catalan Health Institute.

The Minister defined the CMCiB as an "example of advanced research with an immediate return for society in terms of clinical applications, improvement of surgical techniques and quality training for healthcare professionals." She also highlighted the excellent coordination between the IGTP and the Government of Catalonia, which has co-financed the project of a total of 12 million euros, for building and opening the centre