IV Workshop on translational research on urological tumours. From the laboratory to clinical practice

On 11-12 November the IV Workshop on translational research on urological tumours: from the laboratory to clinical practice took place at the Badalona Conference Centre (BCIN). They were jointly organized by the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) and the Badalona Applied Research Group in Oncology (B·ARGO), and the Institut Català d'Oncologia (ICO) and are scientifically accredited by SEOM and SOGUG.
The workshop was opened by Dr Joaquim Julià, Director of Clinical Care of the ICO Badalona and more than 20 national and international experts in treatment and translational research on urological tumours gave sessions. Topics included extensive updating and explanations of the most recent advances in molecular diagnostics of urological tumours, immunotherapy and precision medicine and emerging research lines in the field.
"With more than 100 participants, including oncologists, urologists, researchers and professionals from pharmaceutical companies, the great value of this event is that it is an outstanding forum for sharing information and the discussion of new collaborative research projects in the field of translational oncology," confirmed Drs Albert Font and Vicenç Ruiz de Porras, the scientific organizers.