
The IGTP takes part in European Performance Science Night 2021

- Amics de Can Ruti, Outreach, Research, Success Stories

Research groups from the IGTP work with Fundación Épica La Fura dels Baus to present scientific challenges in a new way

Next weekend Badalona will be the site of European Performance Science Night 2021, an activity within the framework of the European Researchers' Night, financed by the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA). The Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) has joined forces with one of the projects within this initiative led by the Épica Foundation La Fura dels Baus (a world-famous Catalan theatre company), with the aim of bringing science to the citizen and motivating young people to take up scientific careers. On one hand, together with IrsiCaixa, the IGTP is carrying out workshops to explain science to the public on 25 September at the Antic Escorxador in Badalona. On the other hand, both institutes are taking part in the co-creation of a performance which will deal with scientific issues, this in collaboration with the Institute of Neuroscience of Barcelona, la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, the Open University of Catalonia and the Laboratoire Parole et Langage (CNRS, ILCB y Aix-Marseille University). 

Together with IrsiCaixa, the IGTP is carrying out workshops to explain science to the public on 25 September at the Antic Escorxador in Badalona

For several months, researchers from three research groups, two from the IGTP and one from IrsiCaixa, have taken part in co-creation workshops that connect the fields of cognitive neuroscience, health, linguistics, the climate emergency and philosophy. The Innovation in Respiratory Infections and Tuberculosis Diagnosis Group led by Dr José Dominguez; the Viral Immune Evasion and Vaccines (VIRIEVAC), led by Dr Julia García-Prado and the Epigenetics of Cell Differentiation and Cancer Group, led by Dr Miguel Angel Peinado, along with the other partners, have developed training, group dynamics and group cooperation exercises that culminate in a performance in which the audience takes a leading role.

[First Workshop for the European Performance Science Night with institutions, scientists and volunteers] 

The conception of social stigma for people affected by diseases such as tuberculosis or HIV, the defence mechanisms of the immune system or the complexity of the interactions of molecules are some of the topics the researchers have been working on during the workshops. With this live experiment the groups have been able to extract data that will be useful for research at Can Ruti.

On Saturday 25 September there is an opportunity for the public, and especially younger people, to find out about the results of these creative workshops and how to start on a scientific career The open day, which is free and open to the public will take place in the Antic Escorxador in Badalona and will include exhibitions, interactive experiences and talks. Young visitors will be able to see the relevance of the research taking place on the Can Ruti Campus, how researchers work, what studying science means and its challenges and rewards. They can also take part in activities, experiments and other research-related activities.

We look forward to seeing you there!

25 September 10-14 and 16-20

Centre Cultural l'Escorxador de Badalona

Carrer de Don Pelayo, 22, Badalona