Can Ruti Campus presents an international seminar series on biomedical research

Can Ruti Campus presents an international seminar series on biomedical research
The first Can Ruti Biomedical Research Seminar took place today when Dr Benoit Gauthier from CABIMER in Seville delivered the seminar "Targeting LRH1/NR5A2 as a novel immuno trans regeneration therapy for Type 1 diabetes mellitus". Everybody was welcomed to the session by Marcus Buschbeck on behalf of the organizers. The session was attended by researchers from all the institutes on the campus and staff from the Immunology and Endocrine services in the hospital.
The IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Institute, the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute (IJC) and the Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute (IGTP) have organized the Can Ruti Research Seminar Series 2018-2019. Eleven prestigious speakers from different fields of research will give seminars during the academic year on a range of health research topics of interest to scientists, doctors and students from all the institutions on the campus.
The series is promoted by the research institutions on Campus, and sponsored by Celgene and AstraZeneca, which allows the organizers to bring speakers from across Europe to speak to scientists here. Researchers from the three organizing institutions have been given the chance to invite colleagues leading their particular fields, to share and exchange knowledge.
All seminars will be at 15.00 in the auditorium of the IJC on the Can Ruti Campus and are open to anybody who wishes to come. "We wanted to establish an international seminar series to bring leading experts here," explains Sònia Forcales, organizer for the IGTP. "The seminars will form part of the training available on the campus and will be a valuable opportunity to young scientists to hear about successes in different fields," adds Julià Blanco, organizer for IrsiCaixa.
To reinforce the mentoring aspect of the visits, there is a session before the seminar open to research staff. These informal sessions will encourage exchange, mentoring and education for all researchers, from the most junior to the most senior.
The upcoming talks are in the fields of infectious diseases, cancer research, neurobiology and immunology amongst others, and will explore a wide range of transversal research topics such as genetics and epigenetics for diagnostics, prognostics and treatment of very different conditions. Due to the training aspect of these seminars the topics will be varied with a large section of each talk aimed at non-specialists in the field. "There is something for everyone here," Marcus Buschbeck, organizer for the IJC, tells us, "We hope that these talks will be the seed for some very fertile interdisciplinary partnerships and we welcome anybody who wishes to come and join us."
If you would like to join the organizers or know more about how the seminars are organized please contact them via comunicacio(ELIMINAR)