The IGTP provides a great opportunity to school students studying science

This summer 11 students, from Badalona, Barcelona and Mollet are carrying out the practical part of their research projects for Baccalaureate through the IGTP Summer Programme in conjunction with the Organizers of the Badalona Scientific Workshops for schools.
Six of the students are studying various topics including the malaria parasite Plasmodium vivax, obesity, exosomes in cardiac pathologies and diabetes at the IGTP and another five are studying aspects of leukemia, from diagnostics to clinical trials at the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Research Institute.
The scientists who have offered projects all agree that it is important to provide this opportunity despite the pressure on their time, "these are the scientists of the future," comments, David Sanchez-Infantes of the Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes: Adipose Tissue Biology Group. "It's the first time I have been inside a laboratory, it has been really interesting," Berta Gavanach, a student from Badalona told us.
The research project is obligatory for all baccalaureate students and is graded equivalent to a subject studied during a whole year. Scientific students study the scientific method and propose a hypothesis, they then carry out a bibliographic study and a practical part. Students must deliver a report, design a poster and give a presentation on their results.
The committee organizing the Badalona Scientific Workshops, which includes representatives from the Badalona Town Council, the Generalitat, Government of Catalonia and professionals from the Marine and Nature Schools in the town carry out training sessions in schools on practical topics connected with the different stages of the process. In April the best projects are presented at the Badalona Scientific Conference for Baccalaureate students. The IGTP also coordinates with the committee to organize activities for National Science Week.
The groups participating in the Programme are:
From the IGTP