The IGTP and the Germans Trias Hospital join CIMTI to promote medical innovation

The Germans Trias Hospital and the IGTP in tandem have joined with the ten Catalan hospitals and their associated research centre who have agreed to participate in the Center for the Integration of Medicine and Innovative Technologies in Catalonia (CIMTI). The signing of the agreement took place on 8 May at the Ministry of Health with Dr Manel Puig attending for the IGTP.
Within the terms of the agreement, the different centres will channel all the innovation projects developed in their hospitals through the CMTI, meeting the needs detected in the current Health Plan. The agreement also opens new doors to the professionals of Germans Trias for their innovation projects.
CIMTI was created by Fundación LEITAT, with the support of the Catalan Government (Generalitat de Catalunya) Health Services Department, the Agency for Health Quality and Assessment of Catalonia (AQuAS) and with the collaboration of CIMIT in Boston.
CIMTI brings together clinical knowledge and technologists to help promote the development, marketing and adoption of new technologies to address the most important healthcare problems.
Promotion of disruptive and incremental initiatives of high international and social impact in the field of medical devices