Open doors morning for the second year of baccalaureate students of the Col·legi Cultural de Badalona

Yesterday morning, a group of second-year of scientific baccalaureate students of the Col·legi Cultural de Badalona visited the IGTP. They had the opportunity to see the facilities and learn about basic research practices.
They were divided into five groups and went through different scientific stations. Three of them were in the cytometry, cryobiology and microscopy platforms of the centre. There, they were shown the devices our scientists use to detect, preserve and observe cells. A practical part let them try pipetting for the first time and cultivating the bacteria on their hands before and after washing them.
The morning culminated with two scientific talks. Dr Elisabeth Castellanos presented gene therapy to treat neurofibromatosis 2 and Dr Sergio Alonso talked about genetic and epigenetic alterations in cancer. Finally, IGTP scientists answered students' questions and shared some advice, encouraging them to pursue their studies in the scientific field they like the most and hoping to see some of them at a research centre in the future.
The visit was organized by Dr Raquel Guillamat, Junior Group Leader of the Pulmonary Immunity Translational Research Group.