
Art and Science come together in Alella for the IN_CERT Project to Reflect on the Pandemic

- Campus Can Ruti, Outreach, Success Stories

IN_CERT is a project borne from the need for staff and researchers of the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital and artists from the cultural centre in Alella Can Manyé to reflect on the effects on society of the pandemic and shine a light on the connections between art and science.

IN_CERT includes a series of events and activities in Alella and the Germans Trias i Pujol Hospital. The idea came from artists and researchers who needed to explore the feelings of uncertainty around disease, particularly infectious diseases brought out during the pandemic. The group has explored themes such as ethics, the limits of science and the relationship between policy and epidemiology, amongst others. Clinical and research staff from the hospital and the IGTP participating include: Dr Roger Paredes (IrsiCaixa), Dr Lurdes Mateu (Infectious Diseases Service) and Dr Cristina Vilaplana (Experimental Tuberculosis Unit). They have worked with conceptual artists, writers, philosophers and psychologists to produce a series of events for participants of different ages, art works for the public in general and an opportunity to share.

Friday 19 November 10.30 Inauguration of the IN_CERT exhibition in the hospital entrance hall

See more information on the Can Manyé website here