
Wednesday 29 January

BioinfoTalk: title pending

Paula López Marti


Host: BioinfoTalks Committee

These talks are organized by and for the bioinformatics community on the Can Ruti Campus. They have a hybrid format, with a real-life talk in the Seminar Room at IGTP's Edifici Muntanya ground floor and are streamed through Zoom.

Thursday 06 February

Exploring a wider gender perspective

Host: Women 4 Equity in Science Can Ruti

This is the 7th Women for Equity in Science symposium celebrating the International Day of Girls and Women in Science on the Can Ruti Campus. This event, held in person and online, is free and anybody interested is welcome.

Wednesday 12 February

BioinfoTalk: title pending

Jose Francisco Sanchez Herrero


Host: BioinfoTalks Committee

These talks are organized by and for the bioinformatics community on the Can Ruti Campus. They have a hybrid format, with a real-life talk in the Seminar Room at IGTP's Edifici Muntanya ground floor and are streamed through Zoom.