Publicacions científiques
Cuevas-Esteban, J, Serrat, F, Baladon, L, Rabaneda-Lombarte, N, Díez-Quevedo, C and Iglesias-González, M.
Factor analysis and validation of the Bush Francis catatonia rating scale-Spain version
European Journal of Psychiatry 37(4):
Ibáñez-Caparrós, A, Sánchez, I, Granero, R, Jiménez-Murcia, S, Rosinska, M, Thiel, A, Zipfel, S, de Pablo, J, Camacho-Barcia, L and Fernandez-Aranda, F.
Athletes with Eating Disorders: Analysis of Their Clinical Characteristics, Psychopathology and Response to Treatment
Nutrients 15(13):
Abella, M, Vila-Badia, R, Serra-Arumí, C, Vallejo-Rius, G, Colomer-Salvans, A, Rolduà-Ros, J, Cacho-Ortega, ND, Butjosa, A, Muñoz-Samons, DM, Cuevas-Esteban, J, Profep, G and Usall, J.
The relevance of processing speed in the functioning of people with first-episode psychosis
Journal of Psychiatric Research 160: 171-176
Cuñat, O, del Hoyo-Buxo, B, Vila-Badia, R, Serra-Arumí, C, Butjosa, A, Del Cacho, N, Colomer-Salvans, A, Dolz, M, Cuevas-Esteban, J, Iglesias-González, M and Usall, J.
Negative symptoms in drug-naive patients with a first-episode psychosis (FEP)
Asian Journal of Psychiatry 81:
Serrat, F, Iglesias-Gonzalez, M, Sanagustin, D, Etxandi, M, de Pablo, J and Cuevas-Esteban, J.
Catatonia and Cognitive Impairments: A Systematic Review
Frontiers in Psychiatry 13:
Cuevas-Esteban J, Sanagustin D and Iglesias-González M.
Catatonia: Back to the future of the neuropsychiatric syndrome.
Medicina Clinica 158(8): 369-377
Spitaleri, G, Zamora, E, Cediel, G, Codina, P, Santiago-Vacas, E, Domingo, M, Lupon, J, Santesmases, J, Diez-Quevedo, C, Troya, MI, Boldo, M, Altimir, S, Alonso, N, Gonzalez, B and Bayes-Genis, A.
Cause of Death in Heart Failure Based on Etiology: Long-Term Cohort Study of All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality
Journal of Clinical Medicine 11(3):
Iglesias-González M, Boigues M, Sanagustin D, Giralt-López M, Cuevas-Esteban J, Martínez-Cáceres E and Díez-Quevedo C.
Association of serum interleukin-6 and C-reactive protein with depressive and adjustment disorders in COVID-19 inpatients.
Brain, Behavior, & Immunity - Health 19: 100405-100405
Vila-Badia, R, Del Cacho, N, Butjosa, A, Arumi, CS, Santjusto, ME, Abella, M, Cuevas-Esteban, J, Morello, G, Pardo, M, Munoz-Samons, D and Usall, J.
Prevalence and types of childhood trauma in fist episode psychosis patients. Relation with clinical onset variables
Journal of Psychiatric Research 146: 102-108
Gine-Serven, E, Serra-Mestres, J, Martinez-Ramirez, M, Boix-Quintana, E, Davi-Loscos, E, Guanyabens, N, Casado, V, Muriana, D, Torres-Rivas, C, Cuevas-Esteban, J and Labad, J.
Anti-NMDA receptor encephalitis in older adults: A systematic review of case reports
General Hospital Psychiatry 74: 71-77
Codina, P, Lupon, J, Borrellas, A, Spitaleri, G, Cediel, G, Domingo, M, Simpson, J, Levy, WC, Santiago-Vacas, E, Zamora, E, Buchaca, D, Subirana, I, Santesmases, J, Diez-Quevedo, C, Troya, MI, Boldo, M, Altmir, S, Alonso, N, Gonzalez, B, Rivas, C, Nunez, J, McMurray, J and Bayes-Genis, A.
Head-to-head comparison of contemporary heart failure risk scores
European Journal of Heart Failure 23(12): 2035-2044
Diez-Quevedo, C, Iglesias-Gonzalez, M, Giralt-Lopez, M, Rangil, T, Sanagustin, D, Moreira, M, Lopez-Ramentol, M, Ibanez-Caparros, A, Loran, ME, Bustos-Cardona, T, Menendez-Cuinas, I, Mundo-Cid, P, Blanco-Presas, L, de Pablo, J and Cuevas-Esteban, J.
Mental disorders, psychopharmacological treatments, and mortality in 2150 COVID-19 Spanish inpatients
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 143(6): 526-534
Spitaleri, G, Lupon, J, Domingo, M, Santiago-Vacas, E, Codina, P, Zamora, E, Cediel, G, Santesmases, J, Diez-Quevedo, C, Troya, MI, Boldo, M, Altmir, S, Alonso, N, Gonzalez, B, Nunez, J and Bayes-Genis, A.
Mortality trends in an ambulatory multidisciplinary heart failure unit from 2001 to 2018
Scientific Reports 11(1): 732-732
Cuevas-Esteban, J, Iglesias-Gonzalez, M, Serra-Mestres, J, Butjosa, A, Canal-Rivero, M, Serrano-Blanco, A and Baladon, L.
Catatonia in elderly psychiatric inpatients is not always associated with intense anxiety: Factor analysis and correlation with psychopathology
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 35(11): 1409-1417
Canal-Rivero, M, Tordesillas-Gutierrez, D, Ruiz-Veguilla, M, de la Foz, VOG, Cuevas-Esteban, J, de Lucas, EM, Vazquez-Bourgon, J, Ayesa-Arriola, R and Crespo-Facorro, B.
Brain grey matter abnormalities in first episode non-affective psychosis patients with suicidal behaviours: The role of neurocognitive functioning
Siddi, S, Preti, A, Lara, E, Brebion, G, Vila, R, Iglesias, M, Cuevas-Esteban, J, Lopez-Carrilero, R, Butjosa, A and Haro, JM.
Comparison of the touch-screen and traditional versions of the Corsi block-tapping test in patients with psychosis and healthy controls
BMC Psychiatry 20(1): 329-329
Levis, B, Benedetti, A, Ioannidis, JPA, Sun, Y, Negeri, Z, He, C, Wu, Y, Krishnan, A, Bhandari, PM, Neupane, D, Imran, M, Rice, DB, Riehm, KE, Saadat, N, Azar, M, Boruff, J, Cuijpers, P, Gilbody, S, Kloda, LA, McMillan, D, Patten, SB, Shrier, I, Ziegelstein, RC, Alamri, SH, Amtmann, D, Ayalon, L, Baradaran, HR, Beraldi, A, Bernstein, CN, Bhana, A, Bombardier, CH, Carter, G, Chagas, MH, Chibanda, D, Clover, K, Conwell, Y, Diez-Quevedo, C, Fann, JR, Fischer, FH, Gholizadeh, L, Gibson, LJ, Green, EP, Greeno, CG, Hall, BJ, Haroz, EE, Ismail, K, Jette, N, Khamseh, ME, Kwan, YX, Lara, MA, Liu, SI, Loureiro, SR, Lowe, B, Marrie, RA, Marsh, L, McGuire, A, Muramatsu, K, Navarrete, L, Osorio, FL, Petersen, I, Picardi, A, Pugh, SL, Quinn, TJ, Rooney, AG, Shinn, EH, Sidebottom, A, Spangenberg, L, Tan, PLL, Taylor-Rowan, M, Turner, A, van Weert, HC, Vohringer, PA, Wagner, LI, White, J, Winkley, K and Thombs, BD.
Patient Health Questionnaire-9 scores do not accurately estimate depression prevalence: individual participant data meta-analysis
Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 122: 115
Brebion, G, Stephan-Otto, C, Cuevas-Esteban, J, Usall, J and Ochoa, S.
Impaired memory for temporal context in schizophrenia patients with hallucinations and thought disorganisation
Schizophrenia Research 220: 225-231
Brebion, G, Stephan-Otto, C, Ochoa, S, Cuevas-Esteban, J, Nunez-Navarro, A and Usall, J.
Clinical and non-clinical hallucinations are similarly associated with source memory errors in a visual memory task
Consciousness and Cognition 76: 102823-102823
Lupon, J, Cediel, G, Moliner, P, de Antonio, M, Domingo, M, Zamora, E, Nunez, J, Gonzalez, B, Santiago-Vacas, E, Santesmases, J, Troya, MI, Diez-Quevedo, C, Boldo, M, Barallat, J and Bayes-Genis, A.
A bio-clinical approach for prediction of sudden cardiac death in outpatients with heart failure: The ST2-SCD score
International Journal of Cardiology 293: 148-152
Moliner, P, Lupon, J, de Antonio, M, Domingo, M, Santiago-Vacas, E, Zamora, E, Cediel, G, Santesmases, J, Diez-Quevedo, C, Troya, MI, Boldo, M, Altmir, S, Alonso, N, Gonzalez, B, Nunez, J and Bayes-Genis, A.
Trends in modes of death in heart failure over the last two decades: less sudden death but cancer deaths on the rise
European Journal of Heart Failure 21(10): 1259-1266
Martorell, L, Sanfeliu, A, Blzquez, A, Lojo, E, Corts, MJ, de Pablo, J and Vilella, E.
Genetics and genetic counseling in psychiatry: Results from an opinion survey of professionals and users
Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine 7(8):
Del Cacho, N, Cuadras, D, Kaplan, M, Cuevas-Esteban, J, Saenz-Navarrete, G, Ahicart, A, Alvarez, M, Arranz, B, Barneda, V, Bogas, JL, Bonilla, R, Butjosa, A, Casali, T, Colomer, B, Coromina, M, Cunill, R, Cunat, O, del Hoyo, B, Delisau, Y, Dolz, M, Ferrer, I, Foix, A, Grases, N, Iglesias-Gonzalez, M, Ledesma-Ipaguirre, G, Lopez-Ortiz, C, Membrive, P, Minambres, A, Munoz-Samons, D, Ochoa, S, Pastrana, N, Rodriguez, MJ, Pelaez, T, Salto, C, Sibelo, S, Nunez, C, Nunez, M, Pardo, M, Redin, J, de Aguileta, IRL, Romans, C, Rubio-Abadal, E, Santos, A, Sole, L, Soler, A, Teba, S, Vila-Badia, R and Usall, J.
Prolactin levels in drug-naive first episode nonaffective psychosis patients compared with healthy controls. Sex differences
Psychiatry Research 276: 218-222