Pere Joan Cardona, Investigador del la Unidad de Tuberculosi Experimental a l'IGTP; nuevo jefe de grupo del CIBERES

Pere Joan Cardona ha sido nombrado jefe de grupo del CIBERES en el Instituto de Investigación Germans Trias i Pujol (IGTP) de Badalona en sustitución de Vicente Ausina. El Dr. Cardona es especialista en la investigación de la patofisiología de la tuberculosis.
Además de jefe de grupo del CIBERES, el Dr. Cardona es el jefe de la Unitat de Tuberculosi Experimental del IGTP. Profesor de Microbiología por la UAB, médico y especialista en microbiología clínica, ha dedicado los pasados 20 años a la investigación en la patofisiología de la tuberculosis, generando varias hipótesis para intentar entenderla: la "Hipótesis Dinámica"; la "Paradoja de la Ciutadella" o la "Hipótesis de la Confluencia". Ha formado parte de diferentes consorcios internacionales para el desarrollo de productos quimioterapéuticos y vacunas contra la tuberculosis.
El año 2000 inventó la primera vacuna terapéutica contra la tuberculosis: la RUTI. Después de co-fundar la biofarmacéutica Archivel Farma, ha liderado su desarrollo científico y médico. Actualmente está lista para iniciar la Fase III. Es el inventor del Nyaditum resae®, el primer probiótico para la prevenir el riesgo de sufrir tuberculosis. Para poder desarrollarlo, ha liderado la fundación de un spin off (Manremyc SL).
Pere Joan Cardona of the Experimental Tuberculosis Unit is the new leader of National CIBERES at the IGTP
Pere Joan Cardona is the new Head of the CIBERES group at the IGTP, he takes over from Vincente Ausina. Dr Cardona is a specialist in research into the pathophysiology of tuberculosis (TB).
As well a leading the CIBERES group, Dr Cardona is Head of the Experimental Tuberculosis Unit (UTE) at the institute. He is a Professor of Microbiology at the UAB, a medical doctor and specialist in clinical microbiology and has dedicated the last 20 years to research into the pathology and physiology of tuberculosis. He has a distinguished publication record and has been a member of several international consortia set up to develop therapies and vaccinations to tackle the world tuberculosis problem.
In 2000 he invented the first therapeutic vaccine against TB; the Ruti Vaccine. After co-founding Archivel Farma he has led the vaccine's medical and research development; it is currently read to start phase III trials. He also invented Nyaditum resae®, the first probiotic that reduces the risk of contracting TB and has set up the spin-off company (Manremyc SL) to develop and distribute it.
The Spanish CIBER Network
CIBER (Networked Biomedical Research Centres) is a public consortium created by the Spanish Research Funding Body the Instituto Carlos III (ISCIII).
The network aims to promote research excellence in Biomedicine and Health Sciences carried out in the National Health System and the Science and Technology System in Spain. The eight different themed CIBER networks are multi-institutional, multidisciplinary and aim to concentrate the research effort through prioritizing spending and sharing knowledge amongst groups in different public and private centres that depend on different administrations across the country.