The GCAT Project gathers strength with the VEIS website opening today

Today the VEIS website opens and the IGTP-GCAT is proud to be a member of the consortium. VEIS - Valorization of the EGA for Industry and Society is a step forward towards personalized medicine in Catalonia
The VEIS website is an open and available suite of tools to analyze and interpret the data contained in the valuable Human Genome-Phenome -Archive (EGA). The EGA is a service for permanent archiving and sharing of all types of personally identifiable genetic and phenotypic data resulting from biomedical research projects, containing omics and clinical data from across the continent in a safe and legally secure way, but that is also available to the research community on application.
In order to analyze this enormous quantity of data many sophisticated computational tools will be needed, in Catalonia these will be available in the open ecosystem of the VEIS, a RIS3AT Project co-funded by the Government of Catalonia and the European Commission through the Regional Development Fund (ERDF). This ecosystem is called the Barcelona Computational Biomedical Ecosystem (BCBE).
This project will directly help the GCAT Genomes for Life Project at the IGTP in its goal of making personalized medicine a reality for individuals by learning to define and interpret individual risk factors by analyzing data from very large groups of people. To do this it will be able to utilize the VEIS tools and share the ones it creates with the wider scientific community. The GCAT cohort of 20,000 volunteers of health people is unique as an ongoing study that will map both the genetic, health and lifestyle of people as they age. Data from this group, along with data from other groups in the EGA is the key to identifying what risks of illness each individual has. The GCAT Project specifically aims to use its tailored approach to gain information on chronic disorders, the integrated computational technologies available through VEIS will make this job easier and quicker.
The VEIS project with file number 001-P-001647 has been 50% co-financed with € 1,951,429.38 by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union within the framework of the ERDF Operational Program of Catalonia 2014-2020, with the support of the Generalitat of Catalonia.