
A framework agreement with the IGTP allows researchers from the Clínic-IDIABAPS to access the Centre for Comparative Medicine and Bioimage of Catalonia (CMCiB)

- Institutional

The Fundació Clínic and the Germans Trias I Pujol Research Institute have signed a framework agreement to provide access to researchers from the Clínic-IDIBAPs to the services of the Centre for Comparative Medicine and Bioimage of Catalonia (IGTP-CMCiB).

The centre has an infrastructure of 4,500 m2 and aims to be a reference centre for comparative medicine, bioimaging technologies and computational models.

The Clínic-IDIBAPs researchers will be able to use the four modular experimental operating theatres, equipped with minimally invasive technologies such as ultrasound scanning, portable surgical C arm, vascular radiosurgery and MRI 3 tesla for use in preclinical research and the validation of medical devices with large animal models. The CMCiB also has a rodent housing facility with different levels of biosafety, including specific pathogen free (SPF) barrier, BCLL3 biological containment laboratory level 3, with integrated laboratories equipped with bioimaging for luminescence, fluorescence and MicroCT Imaging (Micro Computed Tomography).