UPIC Clinical Trials Unit

The Clinical Trials Unit (UPIC) is a space for the Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital and the Germans i Trias Research Institute to carry out biomedical research within the facilities our own hospital.

The UPIC started its activities in 2010 as a node of the state public consortium promoted by the Instituto Carlos III and with additional in-house funding.  The current facilities are of 400 m2 on the second floor of the hospital.  It has its own nursing and medical staff, administration and monitoring facilities for clinical trials. 

Professionals from different services at the hospital and researchers of the IGTP can use the facilities of the UPIC dependent on availability and staffing.  Phase I, II, III and IV clinical trials and observational studies of both independent and industrial promotion.


  • To facilitate joint HUGTP and IGTP clinical and biomedical research and translation of basic research in all areas of health on the hospital in a space refurbished for the pupose.
  • To provide spaces, capacity for hospitalization in the context of clinical trials; technical and administrative support, sample management, equipment and human resources for clinical research
  • To be a training facility for clinical research for new professionals and students

The UPIC operates in the framework of the IGTP, which is accredited as a health research centre of excellence by the Instituto Carlos III, it is part of the network of clinical research units and clinical trials SCReN (Spanish clinical research Network - https://scren.eu/) that provides support for science and technology in health to encourage independent research in the Spanish and European networks. It is one of the SCReN Units of Clinical Research and Clinical Trials.

SCReN Network

SCReN is a networked functionally cooperative organization consisting of 29 different centres in 11 autonomous regions in Spain.  Its general objective is to facilitate quality clinical research of excellence using adequate support for scientifically relevant proposals and contributing to their correct development and completion, publication and translation to the public health service.

The UPIC at IGTP is a participating unit in the Plataforma de Unidades de Investigación Clínica y Ensayos Clínicos (SCReN) and has obtained funding from the following calls:

  • Plan Estatal de I+D+i 2013-2016, Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación - Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), co-financed with FEDER funds. Code: PT13/0002/0038.
  • Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica, Técnica y de Innovación 2017-2020. Codes: PT17/0017/0016, PT20/00018.

SCReN Services

  • Programme for the regulation and monitoring of methodological support and development of studies (pre-start, development, finalization and close)
  • Pharmaco-vigilance Programme
  • Statistics and Data Management Programme