Precios y condiciones de uso

Las tarifas previas se pueden consultar en la página 'Precios años anteriores'.

Precios de plataformas técnicas 2024

Biobanco IGTP-HUGTiP




Genómica traslacional – Enero

Genómica traslacional – Marzo


Proteómica y metabolómica

Genómica y bioinformática

Centro Procesamiento de Datos (CPD) – Enero

Centro Procesamiento de Datos (CPD) – Abril

Precios CMCiB 2024

Precios CMCiB IGTP

Precios CMCiB externos

Precios LMG (LabManaging)



Precios UPIC 2023 - Ensayos clínicos

Precios UPIC

Precios años anteriores

Condiciones de uso de plataformas IGTP


Use of the IGTP core facilities must be mentioned in all publications by groups who have used the services (internal and external).  Depending on the level of collaboration this mention will take the form of 1) acknowledgement in materials and methods/acknowledgements section 2) Co-authorship. 

Bajar documento de agradeciemientos plataformas IGTP


Example of acknowledgement in the Materials and Methods section:

  • (NAME OF SERVICE) was/were performed by the XXXX”” Core Facility at Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute.
  • For Biobank services: "Samples and data from patients included in this study were provided by the IGTP-­‐HUGTP Biobank  integrated in the Spanish National Biobanks Network of Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PT13/0010/0009) and Tumour Bank Network of Catalonia, and they were processed following standard operating procedures with the appropriate approval of the Ethical and Scientific Committees".

Example of mention in acknowledgement section at the end of the manuscript:

  • We thank the IGTP XXXX Core Facility and staff (names can be used if wanted) for their contribution to this publication
  • Biobank services: "We want to particularly acknowledge the patients and the IGTP-­‐HUGTP Biobank integrated in the Spanish National Biobanks Network of Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PT13/0010/0009) and Tumour Bank Network of Catalonia for its collaboration"