Scientific publications

  • Giuliodori, A, Soudah, E, Malouf, J, Martel-Duguech, L, Amodru, V, Gil, J, Hernandez, JA, Domingo, MP, Webb, SM and Valassi, E.

    Evaluation of bone-related mechanical properties in female patients with long-term remission of Cushing's syndrome using quantitative computed tomography-based finite element analysis

    European Journal of Endocrinology 190(1): 86-95


  • Marques-Pamies, M, Gil, J, Valassi, E, Hernández, M, Biagetti, B, Giménez-Palop, O, Martínez, S, Carrato, C, Pons, L, Villar-Taibo, R, Araujo-Castro, M, Blanco, C, Simón, I, Simó-Servat, A, Xifra, G, Vázquez, F, Pavón, I, García-Centeno, R, Zavala, R, Hanzu, FA, Mora, M, Aulinas, A, Vilarrasa, N, Librizzi, S, Calatayud, M, de Miguel, P, Alvarez-Escola, C, Picó, A, Sampedro, M, Salinas, I, Fajardo-Montañana, C, Cámara, R, Bernabéu, I, Jordà, M, Webb, SM, Marazuela, M and Puig-Domingo, M.

    Revisiting the usefulness of the short acute octreotide test to predict treatment outcomes in acromegaly

    Frontiers in Endocrinology 14:


  • Ruiz, S, Gil, J, Biagetti, B, Venegas, E, Camara, R, Garcia-Centeno, R, Galvez, MA, Pico, A, Maraver, S, Gonzalez, I, Abellan, P, Trincado, P, Herrera, M, Olvera, P, Xifra, G, Bernabeu, I, Serra-Soler, G, Azriel, S, Garcia, L, Carvalho, D, Jorda, M, Valassi, E, Puig, J and Puig-Domingo, M.

    Magnetic resonance imaging as a predictor of therapeutic response to pasireotide in acromegaly

    Clinical Endocrinology 99(4): 378-385


  • Araujo-Castro, M, Marazuela, M, Puig-Domingo, M and Biagetti, B.

    Prolactin and Growth Hormone Signaling and Interlink Focused on the Mammosomatotroph Paradigm: A Comprehensive Review of the Literature

    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(18):


  • Biagetti, B, Iglesias, P, Villar-Taibo, R, Moure, MD, Paja, M, Araujo-Castro, M, Ares, J, Alvarez-Escola, C, Vicente, A, Guivernau, EA, Novoa-Testa, I, Perez, FG, Cámara, R, Lecumberri, B, Gómez, CG, Bernabéu, I, Manjón, L, Gaztambide, S, Cordido, F, Webb, SM, Menéndez-Torre, EL, Díez, JJ, Simó, R and Puig-Domingo, M.

    Mortality in Acromegaly Diagnosed in Older Individuals in Spain Is Higher in Women Compared to the General Spanish Population



  • Valassi, E, Manichanh, C, Amodru, V, Fernández, PG, Gaztambide, S, Yañez, F, Martel-Duguech, L, Puig-Domingo, M and Webb, SM.

    Gut microbial dysbiosis in patients with Cushing's disease in long-term remission. Relationship with cardiometabolic risk

    Frontiers in Endocrinology 14:


  • Fortuny, M, Iborra, I, Gutierrez-Rios, L, Calm, A, Vayreda, E, Puig, M, Aguilar, A, Caballero, N, Marin, I, Colan-Hernandez, J, de Vega, V, Uchima, H and Domenech, E.

    Appropriateness of routine pre-endoscopic SARS-CoV-2 screening with RT-PCR in asymptomatic individuals and its impact on delayed diagnosis

    Gastroenterologia y Hepatologia 46(4): 274-281


  • Gil, J, Marques-Pamies, M, Valassi, E, Serra, G, Salinas, I, Xifra, G, Casano-Sancho, P, Carrato, C, Biagetti, B, Sesmilo, G, Marcos-Ruiz, J, Rodriguez-Lloveras, H, Rueda-Pujol, A, Aulinas, A, Blanco, A, Hostalot, C, Simo-Servat, A, Munoz, F, Rico, M, Ibanez-Dominguez, J, Cordero, E, Webb, SM, Jorda, M and Puig-Domingo, M.

    Molecular characterization of epithelial-mesenchymal transition and medical treatment related-genes in non-functioning pituitary neuroendocrine tumors

    Frontiers in Endocrinology 14:


  • Julian, MT, Ballesta, S, Pera, G, de Oca, APM, Soldevila, B, Caballeria, L, Morillas, R, Exposito, C, Martinez-Escude, A, Puig-Domingo, M, Franch-Nadal, J, Toran, P, Cusi, K, Julve, J, Mauricio, D and Alonso, N.

    Abdominal obesity and dsyglycemia are risk factors for liver fibrosis progression in NAFLD subjects: A population-based study

    Frontiers in Endocrinology 13:


  • Batule, S, Soldevila, B, Figueredo, C, Julian, MT, Egea-Cortes, L, Reyes-Urena, J, Casabona, J, Mateu, L, Paredes, R, Clotet, B, Lopez, R, Puig-Domingo, M and Alonso, N.

    Factors associated with critical care requirements in diabetic patients treated with dexamethasone for COVID-19 infection in the first wave of the pandemia

    Frontiers in Endocrinology 13:


  • Ramos A, Joaquin C, Ros M, Martin M, Cachero M, Sospedra M, Martínez E, Sánchez Migallón JM, Sendrós MJ, Soldevila B and Puig-Domingo M.

    Impact of COVID-19 on nutritional status during the first wave of the pandemic.

    Clinical Nutrition 41(12): 3032-3037


  • Casas, JAV, Sambo, M, Lopez, CL, Duran-Poveda, M, Garcia, JRV, Santos, RJ, Llanos, M, Navarro-Gonzalez, E, Aller, J, Pubul, V, Guadalix, S, Crespo, G, Gonzalez, C, Zafon, C, Navarro, M, Santamaria-Sandi, J, Segura, A, Gajate, P, Gomez-Balaguer, M, Valdivia, J, Puig-Domingo, M, Galofre, JC, Castelo, B, Villanueva, MJ, Argueelles, I and Orcajo-Rincon, L.

    Initial clinical and treatment patterns of advanced differentiated thyroid cancer: ERUDIT study

    European Thyroid Journal 11(5):


  • Ruiz, S, Vazquez, F, Pellitero, S and Puig-Domingo, M.

    ENDOCRINE OBESITY Pituitary dysfunction in obesity

    European Journal of Endocrinology 186(6): 79-92


  • Joaquin, C, Alonso, N, Lupon, J, Gastelurrutia, P, Perez-Monstesdeoca, A, Domingo, M, Zamora, E, Socias, G, Ramos, A, Bayes-Genis, A and Puig-Domingo, M.

    Nutritional Status According to the GLIM Criteria in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure: Association with Prognosis

    Nutrients 14(11):


  • Gil, J, Marques-Pamies, M, Sampedro, M, Webb, SM, Serra, G, Salinas, I, Blanco, A, Valassi, E, Carrato, C, Pico, A, Garcia-Martinez, A, Martel-Duguech, L, Sardon, T, Simo-Servat, A, Biagetti, B, Villabona, C, Camara, R, Fajardo-Montanana, C, Alvarez-Escola, C, Lamas, C, Alvarez, CV, Bernabeu, I, Marazuela, M, Jorda, M and Puig-Domingo, M.

    Data mining analyses for precision medicine in acromegaly: a proof of concept

    Scientific Reports 12(1):


  • Batule, S, Ramos, A, De Oca, APM, Fuentes, N, Martinez, S, Raga, J, Pena, X, Tural, C, Munoz, P, Soldevila, B, Alonso, N, Umpierrez, G and Puig-Domingo, M.

    Comparison of Glycemic Variability and Hypoglycemic Events in Hospitalized Older Adults Treated with Basal Insulin plus Vildagliptin and Basal-Bolus Insulin Regimen: A Prospective Randomized Study

    Journal of Clinical Medicine 11(10):


  • Soldevila, B, Puig-Domingo, M and Marazuela, M.

    Basic mechanisms of SARS-CoV-2 infection. What endocrine systems could be implicated?



  • Perna-Barrull, D, Murillo, M, Real, N, Gomez-Munoz, L, Rodriguez-Fernandez, S, Bel, J, Puig-Domingo, M and Vives-Pi, M.

    Prenatal Betamethasone Exposure and its Impact on Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus: A Preliminary Study in a Spanish Cohort

    Journal of Diabetes Research 2022:


  • Mollehave, LT, Eliasen, MH, Strele, I, Linneberg, A, Moreno-Reyes, R, Ivanova, LB, Kusic, Z, Erlund, I, Ittermann, T, Nagy, EV, Gunnarsdottir, I, Arbelle, JE, Troen, AM, Pirigs, V, Dahl, L, Hubalewska-Dydejczyk, A, Trofimiuk-Muldner, M, de Castro, JJ, Marcelino, M, Gaberscek, S, Zaltel, K, Puig-Domingo, M, Vila, L, Manousou, S, Nystrom, HF, Zimmermann, MB, Mullan, KR, Woodside, JV, Volzke, H and Thuesen, BH.

    Register-based information on thyroid diseases in Europe: lessons and results from the EUthyroid collaboration

    Endocrine Connections 11(3):


  • Reverter, JL, Ferrer-Estopinan, L, Vazquez, F, Ballesta, S, Batule, S, de Oca, APM, Puig-Jove, C and Puig-Domingo, M.

    Reliability of a computer-aided system in the evaluation of indeterminate ultrasound images of thyroid nodules

    European Thyroid Journal 11(1):


  • Gil, J, Marques-Pamies, M, Valassi, E, Garcia-Martinez, A, Serra, G, Hostalot, C, Fajardo-Montanana, C, Carrato, C, Bernabeu, I, Marazuela, M, Rodriguez-Lloveras, H, Camara, R, Salinas, I, Lamas, C, Biagetti, B, Simo-Servat, A, Webb, SM, Pico, A, Jorda, M and Puig-Domingo, M.

    Implications of Heterogeneity of Epithelial-Mesenchymal States in Acromegaly Therapeutic Pharmacologic Response

    Biomedicines 10(2):


  • Pardo, JC, de Porras, VR, Gil, J, Font, A, Puig-Domingo, M and Jorda, M.

    Lipid Metabolism and Epigenetics Crosstalk in Prostate Cancer

    Nutrients 14(4):


  • Puig-Jove, C, Castelblanco, E, Falguera, M, Hernandez, M, Soldevila, B, Julian, MT, Teis, A, Julve, J, Barranco-Altirriba, M, Franch-Nadal, J, Puig-Domingo, M, Ortega, E, Amigo, N, Alonso, N and Mauricio, D.

    Advanced lipoprotein profile in individuals with normal and impaired glucose metabolism

    Revista Espanola de Cardiologia 75(1): 22-30


  • Picó A, Aranda-López I, Sesmilo G, Toldos-González Ó, Japón MA, Luque RM and Puig-Domingo M.

    Recomendaciones sobre el diagnóstico e informe anatomopatológico de los tumores neuroendocrinos hipofisarios. Consenso de expertos de la Sociedad Española de Endocrinologia y Nutrición y de la Sociedad Española de Anatomía Patológica.

    Revista Espanola de Patologia 54(4): 263-274


  • Danne, T, Limbert, C, Domingo, MP, Del Prato, S, Renard, E, Choudhary, P and Seibold, A.

    Telemonitoring, Telemedicine and Time in Range During the Pandemic: Paradigm Change for Diabetes Risk Management in the Post-COVID Future

    Diabetes Therapy 12(9): 2289-2310


  • Marques-Pamies, M, Lopez-Molina, M, Pellitero, S, Santillan, CS, Martinez, E, Moreno, P, Tarasco, J, Granada, ML and Puig-Domingo, M.

    Differential Behavior of 25(OH)D and f25(OH)D3 in Patients with Morbid Obesity After Bariatric Surgery

    Obesity Surgery 31(9): 3990-3995


  • Giustina, A, Marazuela, M, Reincke, M, Yildiz, BO and Puig-Domingo, M.

    One year of the pandemic - how European endocrinologists responded to the crisis : a statement from the European Society of Endocrinology

    European Journal of Endocrinology 185(2): 1-7


  • Picó A, Aranda-López I, Sesmilo G, Toldos-González Ó, Japón MA, Luque RM and Puig-Domingo M.

    Recommendations on the pathological report of pituitary tumors. A consensus of experts of the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition and the Spanish Society of Pathology.

    Endocrinologia Diabetes y Nutricion 68(3): 196-207


  • De Oca, APM, Pellitero, S and Puig-Domingo, M.

    Obesity and GLP-1

    Minerva Endocrinology 46(2): 168-176


  • Hernandez, JM, Soldevila, B, Velasco, I, Moreno-Flores, F, Ferrer, L, de Oca, APM, Santillan, C, Munoz, C, Ballesta, S, Canal, C, Puig-Domingo, M and Granada, ML.

    Reference Intervals of Thyroid Function Tests Assessed by Immunoassay and Mass Spectrometry in Healthy Pregnant Women Living in Catalonia

    Journal of Clinical Medicine 10(11):


  • Puig-Domingo, M, Marazuela, M, Yildiz, BO and Giustina, A.

    COVID-19 and endocrine and metabolic diseases. An updated statement from the European Society of Endocrinology

    Endocrine 72(2): 301-316


  • Gil, J, Marques-Pamies, M, Jorda, M, Fajardo-Montanana, C, Garcia-Martinez, A, Sampedro, M, Serra, G, Salinas, I, Blanco, A, Valassi, E, Sesmilo, G, Carrato, C, Camara, R, Lamas, C, Casano-Sancho, P, Alvarez, CV, Bernabeu, I, Webb, SM, Pico, A, Marazuela, M and Puig-Domingo, M.

    Molecular determinants of enhanced response to somatostatin receptor ligands after debulking in large GH-producing adenomas

    Clinical Endocrinology 94(5): 811-819


  • Julián MT, Pera G, Soldevila B, Caballería L, Julve J, Puig-Jové C, Morillas R, Torán P, Expósito C, Puig-Domingo M, Castelblanco E, Franch-Nadal J, Cusi K, Mauricio D and Alonso N.

    Atherogenic dyslipidemia, but not hyperglycemia, is an independent factor associated with liver fibrosis in subjects with type 2 diabetes and NAFLD: a population-based study.

    European Journal of Endocrinology 184(4): 587-596


  • Reverter JL, Vázquez F, Puig-Jové C, Oca AP and Puig-Domingo M.

    Long-term efficacy evaluation of a protocol for the management of symptomatic thyroid cysts with ultrasound-guided percutaneous ethanol injection.

    Endocrinologia Diabetes y Nutricion 68(4): 236-242


  • Reverter, JL, Vazquez, F, Puig-Jove, C, de Oca, APM and Puig-Domingo, M.

    Long-term efficacy evaluation of a protocol for the management of symptomatic thyroid cysts with ultrasound-guided percutaneous ethanol injection

    Endocrinologia Diabetes y Nutricion 68(4): 236-242


  • Reyes, M, Gonzalez, L, Ibeas, K, Cereijo, R, Taxeras, SD, Pellitero, S, Martinez, E, Tarasco, J, Moreno, P, Malagon, P, Higueras, C, Soria, A, Puig-Domingo, M, Villarroya, F, Serra, D, Herrero, L and Sanchez-Infantes, D.

    White adipose tissue-infiltrated CD11b+myeloid cells are a source of S100A4, a new potential marker of hepatic damage

    European Journal of Endocrinology 184(4): 533-541


  • de Oca, APM, Pellitero, S and Puig-Domingo, M.

    Hypoglycemia after bariatric surgery: importance of exhaustive hormonal study



  • Puig-Domingo, M, Bernabeu, I, Pico, A, Biagetti, B, Gil, J, Alvarez-Escola, C, Jorda, M, Marques-Pamies, M, Soldevila, B, Galvez, MA, Camara, R, Aller, J, Lamas, C and Marazuela, M.

    Pasireotide in the Personalized Treatment of Acromegaly

    Frontiers in Endocrinology 12: 648411-648411


  • Gil, J, Jorda, M, Soldevila, B and Puig-Domingo, M.

    Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in the Resistance to Somatostatin Receptor Ligands in Acromegaly

    Frontiers in Endocrinology 12: 646210-646210


  • Cereijo, R, Quesada-Lopez, T, Gavalda-Navarro, A, Tarasco, J, Pellitero, S, Reyes, M, Puig-Domingo, M, Giralt, M, Sanchez-Infantes, D and Villarroya, F.

    The chemokine CXCL14 is negatively associated with obesity and concomitant type-2 diabetes in humans

    International Journal of Obesity 45(3): 706-710


  • Pico, A, Aranda-Lopez, I, Sesmilo, G, Toldos-Gonzalez, O, Japon, MA, Luque, RM and Puig-Domingo, M.

    Recommendations on the pathological report of pituitary tumors. A consensus of experts of the Spanish Society of Endocrinology and Nutrition and the Spanish Society of Pathology

    Endocrinologia Diabetes y Nutricion 68(3): 196-207


  • Torrejon, S, Vila, L, Soldevila, B, Martin, M and Puig-Domingo, M.

    Estimation of the prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in Catalonia through two different registries: Pharmaceutical dispensing and diagnostic registration

    Endocrinology Diabetes & Metabolism 4(1):


  • Giustina, A, Barkhoudarian, G, Beckers, A, Ben-Shlomo, A, Biermasz, N, Biller, B, Boguszewski, C, Bolanowski, M, Bollerslev, J, Bonert, V, Bronstein, MD, Buchfelder, M, Casanueva, F, Chanson, P, Clemmons, D, Fleseriu, M, Formenti, AM, Freda, P, Gadelha, M, Geer, E, Gurnell, M, Heaney, AP, Ho, KKY, Ioachimescu, AG, Lamberts, S, Laws, E, Losa, M, Maffei, P, Mamelak, A, Mercado, M, Molitch, M, Mortini, P, Pereira, AM, Petersenn, S, Post, K, Puig-Domingo, M, Salvatori, R, Samson, SL, Shimon, I, Strasburger, C, Swearingen, B, Trainer, P, Vance, ML, Wass, J, Wierman, ME, Yuen, KCJ, Zatelli, MC and Melmed, S.

    Multidisciplinary management of acromegaly: A consensus



  • Marazuela, M, Giustina, A and Puig-Domingo, M.

    Endocrine and metabolic aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic



  • Joaquin, C, Alonso, N, Lupon, J, de Antonio, M, Domingo, M, Moliner, P, Zamora, E, Codina, P, Ramos, A, Gonzalez, B, Rivas, C, Cachero, M, Puig-Domingo, M and Bayes-Genis, A.

    Mini Nutritional Assessment Short Form is a morbi-mortality predictor in outpatients with heart failure and mid-range left ventricular ejection fraction

    Clinical Nutrition 39(11): 3395-3401


  • Pérez-Montes de Oca A, Julián MT, Ramos A, Puig-Domingo M and Alonso N.

    Microbiota, Fiber, and NAFLD: Is There Any Connection?

    Nutrients 12(10):


  • Puig, J, Biarnes, C, Pedraza, S, Vilanova, JC, Pamplona, R, Fernandez-Real, JM, Brugada, R, Ramos, R, Coll-de-Tuero, G, Calvo-Perxas, L, Serena, J, Ramio-Torrenta, L, Gich, J, Gallart, L, Portero-Otin, M, Alberich-Bayarri, A, Jimenez-Pastor, A, Camacho-Ramos, E, Mayneris-Perxachs, J, Pineda, V, Font, R, Prats-Puig, A, Gacto, ML, Deco, G, Escrichs, A, Clotet, B, Paredes, R, Negredo, E, Triaire, B, Rodriguez, M, Heredia-Escamez, A, Coronado, R, de Graaf, W, Prevost, V, Mitulescu, A, Daunis-I-Estadella, P, Thio-Henestrosa, S, Miralles, F, Ribas-Ripoll, V, Puig-Domingo, M, Essig, M, Figley, CR, Figley, TD, Albensi, B, Ashraf, A, Reiber, JHC, Schifitto, G, Uddin, MN, Leiva-Salinas, C, Wintermark, M, Nael, K, Vilalta-Franch, J, Barretina, J and Garre-Olmo, J.

    The Aging Imageomics Study: rationale, design and baseline characteristics of the study population

    Mechanisms of Ageing and Development 189: 111257-111257


  • Piquer-Garcia, I, Cereijo, R, Corral-Perez, J, Pellitero, S, Martinez, E, Taxeras, SD, Tarasco, J, Moreno, P, Balibrea, J, Puig-Domingo, M, Serra, D, Herrero, L, Jimenez-Pavon, D, Lerin, C, Villarroya, F and Sanchez-Infantes, D.

    Use of Infrared Thermography to Estimate Brown Fat Activation After a Cooling Protocol in Patients with Severe Obesity That Underwent Bariatric Surgery

    Obesity Surgery 30(6): 2375-2381


  • Puig-Domingo, M, Gil, J, Sampedro-Nunez, M, Jorda, M, Webb, SM, Serra, G, Pons, L, Salinas, I, Blanco, A, Marques-Pamies, M, Valassi, E, Pico, A, Garcia-Martinez, A, Carrato, C, Buj, R, del Pozo, C, Obiols, G, Villabona, C, Camara, R, Fajardo-Montanana, C, Alvarez, CV, Bernabeu, I and Marazuela, M.

    Molecular profiling for acromegaly treatment: a validation study

    Endocrine-Related Cancer 27(6): 375-389


  • Reverter, JL, Rosas-Allende, I, Puig-Jove, C, Zafon, C, Megia, A, Castells, I, Pizarro, E, Puig-Domingo, M and Granada, ML.

    Prognostic Significance of Thyroglobulin Antibodies in Differentiated Thyroid Cancer

    Journal of Thyroid Research 2020: 8312628-8312628


  • Giustina, A, Barkan, A, Beckers, A, Biermasz, N, Biller, BMK, Boguszewski, C, Bolanowski, M, Bonert, V, Bronstein, MD, Casanueva, FF, Clemmons, D, Colao, A, Ferone, D, Fleseriu, M, Frara, S, Gadelha, MR, Ghigo, E, Gurnell, M, Heaney, AP, Ho, K, Ioachimescu, A, Katznelson, L, Kelestimur, F, Kopchick, J, Krsek, M, Lamberts, S, Losa, M, Luger, A, Maffei, P, Marazuela, M, Mazziotti, G, Mercado, M, Mortini, P, Neggers, S, Pereira, AM, Petersenn, S, Puig-Domingo, M, Salvatori, R, Shimon, I, Strasburger, C, Tsagarakis, S, van der Lely, AJ, Wass, J, Zatelli, MC and Melmed, S.

    A Consensus on the Diagnosis and Treatment of Acromegaly Comorbidities: An Update



  • Puig-Domingo M, Marazuela M and Giustina A.

    COVID-19 and endocrine diseases. A statement from the European Society of Endocrinology.

    Endocrine 68(1): 2-5


  • Julian, MT, Alonso, N, Lupon, J, Gavidia-Bovadilla, G, Ferrer, E, de Antonio, M, Lopez-Ayerbe, J, Domingo, M, Santiago-Vacas, E, Zamora, E, Codina, P, Moliner, P, Nunez, J, Santesmases, J, Puig-Domingo, M and Bayes-Genis, A.

    Long-term LVEF trajectories in patients with type 2 diabetes and heart failure: diabetic cardiomyopathy may underlie functional decline

    Cardiovascular Diabetology 19(1): 38-38


  • Piquer-Garcia, I, Campderros, L, Taxeras, SD, Gavalda-Navarro, A, Pardo, R, Vila, M, Pellitero, S, Martinez, E, Tarasco, J, Moreno, P, Villarroya, J, Cereijo, R, Gonzalez, L, Reyes, M, Rodriguez-Fernandez, S, Vives-Pi, M, Lerin, C, Elks, CM, Stephens, JM, Puig-Domingo, M, Villarroya, F, Villena, JA and Sanchez-Infantes, D.

    A Role for Oncostatin M in the Impairment of Glucose Homeostasis in Obesity



  • Taxeras, SD, Galan, M, Campderros, L, Piquer-Garcia, I, Pellitero, S, Martinez, E, Puig, R, Lucena, I, Tarasco, J, Moreno, P, Balibrea, J, Bel, J, Murillo, M, Martinez, M, Ramon-Krauel, M, Puig-Domingo, M, Villarroya, F, Lerin, C and Sanchez-Infantes, D.

    Differential association between S100A4 levels and insulin resistance in prepubertal children and adult subjects with clinically severe obesity



  • Beisani, M, Pappa, S, Moreno, P, Martinez, E, Tarasco, J, Granada, ML, Puig, R, Cremades, M, Puig-Domingo, M, Jorda, M, Pellitero, S and Balibrea, JM.

    Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy induces molecular changes in peripheral white blood cells

    Clinical Nutrition 39(2): 592-598


  • Cereijo, R, Taxeras, SD, Piquer-Garcia, I, Pellitero, S, Martinez, E, Tarasco, J, Moreno, P, Balibrea, J, Puig-Domingo, M, Jimenez-Pavon, D, Lerin, C, Villarroya, F and Sanchez-Infantes, D.

    Elevated Levels of Circulating miR-92a Are Associated with Impaired Glucose Homeostasis in Patients with Obesity and Correlate with Metabolic Status After Bariatric Surgery

    Obesity Surgery 30(1): 174-179


  • Vila, L, Lucas, A, Donnay, S, de la Vieja, A, Wengrovicz, S, Santiago, P, Bandres, O, Velasco, I, Garcia-Fuentes, E, Ares, S, Navarro, JCM, Espada, M, Munoz, A, Galofre, JC and Puig-Domingo, M.

    Iodine nutrition status in Spain Needs for the future

    Endocrinologia Diabetes y Nutricion 67(1): 61-69


  • Garcia-Martinez, A, Cano, DA, Flores-Martinez, A, Gila, J, Puig-Domingo, M, Webb, SM, Soto-Moreno, A and Pico, A.

    Why don't corticotroph tumors always produce Cushing's disease?

    European Journal of Endocrinology 181(3): 351-361


  • Teniente-Serra, A, Soldevila, B, Quirant-Sanchez, B, Fernandez, MA, Condins, AE, Puig-Domingo, M, Pujol-Borrell, R and Martinez-Caceres, EM.

    Distinct pattern of peripheral lymphocyte subsets in Graves' disease with persistency of anti-TSHR autoantibodies

    Autoimmunity 52(5-6): 220-227


  • Palanca, A, Castelblanco, E, Betriu, A, Perpinan, H, Soldevila, B, Valdivielso, JM, Bermudez-Lopez, M, Puig-Jove, C, Puig-Domingo, M, Groop, PH, Fernandez, E, Alonso, N and Mauricio, D.

    Subclinical atherosclerosis burden predicts cardiovascular events in individuals with diabetes and chronic kidney disease

    Cardiovascular Diabetology 18(1): 93-93


  • Reverter, JL, Vazquez, F and Puig-Domingo, M.

    Diagnostic Performance Evaluation of a Computer-Assisted Imaging Analysis System for Ultrasound Risk Stratification of Thyroid Nodules

    American Journal of Roentgenology 213(1): 169-174


  • Castelblanco, E, Betriu, A, Hernandez, M, Granado-Casas, M, Ortega, E, Soldevila, B, Ramirez-Morros, A, Franch-Nadal, J, Puig-Domingo, M, Fernandez, E, Avogaro, A, Alonso, N and Mauricio, D.

    Ultrasound Tissue Characterization of Carotid Plaques Differs Between Patients with Type 1 Diabetes and Subjects without Diabetes

    Journal of Clinical Medicine 8(4):
