Publicacions científiques

  • Clos-Sansalvador, Marta, Monguio-Tortajada, Marta, Grau-Leal, Ferran, de Porras, Vicenc Ruiz, Garcia, Sergio G., Sanroque-Munoz, Marta, Font-Moron, Miriam, Franquesa, Marcella and Borras, Francesc E..

    Agarose spot migration assay to measure the chemoattractant potential of extracellular vesicles: applications in regenerative medicine and cancer metastasis

    BMC Biology 21(1):


  • Miguez, A, Gomis, C, Vila, C, Monguio-Tortajada, M, Fernandez-Garcia, S, Bombau, G, Galofre, M, Garcia-Bravo, M, Sanders, P, Fernandez-Medina, H, Poquet, B, Salado-Manzano, C, Roura, S, Alberch, J, Segovia, JC, Allen, ND, Borras, FE and Canals, JM.

    Soluble mutant huntingtin drives early human pathogenesis in Huntington's disease

    Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 80(8):


  • Llorens-Revull, M, Martinez-Gonzalez, B, Quer, J, Esteban, JI, Nunez-Moreno, G, Minguez, P, Burgui, I, Ramos-Ruiz, R, Soria, ME, Rico, A, Riveiro-Barciela, M, Sauleda, S, Piron, M, Corrales, I, Borras, FE, Rodriguez-Frias, F, Rando, A, Ramirez-Serra, C, Camos, S, Domingo, E, Bes, M, Perales, C and Costafreda, MI.

    Comparison of Extracellular Vesicle Isolation Methods for miRNA Sequencing

    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(15):


  • Garcia, SG, Sandoval-Hellin, N, Clos-Sansalvador, M, Carreras-Planella, L, Moron-Font, M, Guerrero, D, Borras, FE and Franquesa, M.

    Mesenchymal stromal cells induced regulatory B cells are enriched in extracellular matrix genes and IL-10 independent modulators

    Frontiers in Immunology 13:


  • Clos-Sansalvador, M, Garcia, SG, Moron-Font, M, Williams, C, Reichardt, NC, Falcon-Perez, JM, Bayes-Genis, A, Roura, S, Franquesa, M, Monguio-Tortajada, M and Borras, FE.

    N-Glycans in Immortalized Mesenchymal Stromal Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Are Critical for EV-Cell Interaction and Functional Activation of Endothelial Cells

    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23(17):


  • Clos-Sansalvador, M, Monguio-Tortajada, M, Roura, S, Franquesa, M and Borras, FE.

    Commonly used methods for extracellular vesicles? enrichment: Implications in downstream analyses and use

    European Journal of Cell Biology 101(3):


  • Sanchez-Rodriguez, MB, Tellez, E, Casulleras, M, Borras, FE, Arroyo, V, Claria, J and Sarrias, MR.

    Reduced Plasma Extracellular Vesicle CD5L Content in Patients With Acute-On-Chronic Liver Failure: Interplay With Specialized Pro-Resolving Lipid Mediators

    Frontiers in Immunology 13:


  • Roger, M, Gallego, RH, Jimenez, VM, Perez, JCR, Furlano, M, Atxer, LS, Zurro, DG, Casabona, CMR, Gomez, CG, Bermudez, PP, Armisen, MA, Lopez, SA, Porras, IG, Ruiz, JG, Orgaz, JMM, Baron, MM, Ortiz, PD, de la Fuente, GD, Gili, BQ, Fresnedo, GF, Cabrera, SS, Contreras, JP, Pelicano, MB, Blanca, AM, Portillo, MR, Alvarez, JES, Romeo, MJS, Perez, MG, Diezhandino, MG, Marrero, DH, Campo, CF, Garcia, EM, Carmona, DGC, Ramirez, AT, Bellvis, LM, Haym, MB, Gomez, MB, Martinez, JMC, Garrit, JMC, Garrido, RS, Delgado, JB, Marimont, MB, Munoz, MOV, Villares, JMP, Velazquez, AS, Bonet, LA, Bravo, MAG, Mateos, FJM, Amador, MM, Minano, JAP, Belmonte, AA, Jover, AS, Rituerto, DC, Sanchez, FP, Arenas, MD, Hernandez, RM, Serrano, BM, Ortiz, A, Sanz, AB, Ramos, AM, Cordoba-David, G, Garcia-Jimenez, J, Fontecha-Barriuso, M, Guerrero-Mauvecin, J, Lopez-Diaz, AM, Sanchez-Nino, MD, Valino-Rivas, L, Cuarental, L, Ribagorda, M, Pintor-Chocano, A, Favero, C, Alvarez-Llamas, G, Catalina, MC, Fernandez-Fernandez, B, Perez-Gomez, MV, de Montaner, ERA, Prado, RF, Rivera, JR, Verde, AMR, Carriazo, S, Luis-Lima, S, Sanchez-Rodriguez, J, Sanchez, SP, Ortega, MR, Parra, EG, Mateos, SR, Ortiz, PJC, Exposito, LM, Tejera-Munoz, A, Marchant, V, Tejedor-Santamaria, L, Agilar, MA, Diekmann, F, Genis, BB, Salinas, FO, Bajo, MJR, Maneus, EB, Guillen, MA, Juarez, JR, Rodriguez, ML, Vicente, IR, Pelicano, JMB, Porras, LFQ, Aguiar, PVA, Font, MX, Andujar, AM, Cucchiari, D, Marrah, EM, Plana, JMC, Pineiro, GJ, Salgado, CM, Martin, AIM, Hernandez, FJL, Balboa, NE, Vicente, MP, Calvo, IF, Gonzalez, LR, Vicente, LV, Martinez, SMS, Paso, AGC, Garriel, MP, Lopez, JJV, Palacios, AMC, Saenz, DS, Garcia, PG, Bonilla, JLA, Rodriguez, MAF, Galan, AD, Marcos, EM, Perez-Aradros, JC, San Jose, RM, Zelaya, FM, Panades, ES, Salido, JA, Balcells, RT, Criach, EA, Encarnacion, MD, Perich, LG, Girol, CC, Terroba, YA, Oliveras, MP, Vila, LE, Cabanas, NS, Molas, CF, Torres, IS, Pelaez, SL, Serra, CR, Torres, CC, Fajardo, JPT, Lahuerta, JIH, Herranz, VM, Malo, AM, Castaneda, JRM, Ortiz, MER, Moreno, JMM, Bermudez, AIR, Olmo, RS, Pavon, FG, Peregrin, CM, Tejero, EA, Villalba, IL, Munoz, AC, De Mier, MVPR, Martos, CMP, Baltanas, RL, Haad, CR, Bartolome, MF, Valdemoros, RL, Serres, FEB, Diaz, MN, Marino, FJJ, Sole, LC, Saborido, MIT, Majoral, JS, Martinez, ML, Calabia, ER, San Millan, JCR, Lopez-Hoyos, M, Benito-Hernandez, A, San Segundo, D, Valero, R, Garcia, EC, De Ona, JG, Llavona, EC, Rodriguez, FS, Gutierrez, RL, Pena, HG, Lopez, V, Sola, E, Cabello, M, Caballero, A, Leon, M, Ruiz, P, Alonso, J, Navarro-Gonzalez, J, Mora-Fernandez, MD, Donate-Correa, J, Martin-Nunez, E, Delgado, NP, Gigarran-Guldris, S, Teruel, JLG, Castelao, AM, Revilla, JMV, Martinez, CM, Stanojevic, MB, Boque, EC, Rosell, MNS, De Lamo, VM, Tocados, JMD, Carrasco, AG, Lopez, MB, Enriquez, MC, Bardaji, AM, Masot, ND, Gomez, AP, Sanjuan, AE, Ortega, AO, Fuentes, RW, Guindo, MDD, Fuentes, MDR, Ravassa, FO, Molina, MC, Tortosa, CLR, Garrido, RGD, Jacobs-Cacha, C, Matamoros, OB, Mateos, FM, Meneghini, MAE, Roig, JS, Betsabe, IT, Larrea, CL, Alvarez, BS, Corte, MDD, Rodrigues-Diez, RR, Vazquez, AL, Rodriguez, SG, Castineira, JRV, Martin, CM, Alvarez, MLS, Iglesias, VC, Borra, JM, Rubio, MAB, Gilsanz, GD, Cabrera, ML, Heffernan, JAJ, Gonzalez, MO, Gonzalez, OC, Garcia, MEG, Martin, CJ, Correa, PS, Ramos, SA, Oliva, ML, Becerra, BR, Cabrera, CV, Mateo, GTG, Villanueva, RS, Garcia, LA, Andia, JBC, Diaz, MN, Martin, JLF, Lopez, NC, Garcia, SP, Montes, CA, Garcia, MR, Luengas, ILM, Alvarez, ES, Arias, LM, Carro, BM, Virgala, JM, Gonzalez, MG, Barreiro, JML, Fontan, MP, Gonzalez, AO, Barja, LMC, Barreiro, AS, Arias, BP, Hernandez, AA, Perez, MP, Varela, JC, Lechuga, JA, Rodriguez, CD, Murias, MG, de la Iglesia, AMB, Pineiro, PB, Eijo, AC, Cachaza, NC, Gonzalez, MV, Blanch, NL, Martinez, AMS, Val, MH, Draibe, JB, Melilli, E, Montero, AM, Perez, NM, Oliveras, XF, Barrio, MC, Santos, JP, Barrera, CB, Saez, MJP, Pachon, MDR, Cabrales, CA, Porras, AB, Garcia, ER, Gonzalez, VP, Mallol, LL, Oliva, MR, Puyol, DR, Torres, MPR, Ongil, SL, Basilio, LC, Centenera, GO, de Miguel, PM, Rodriguez, LF, Nadah, HB, Fernandez, MP, Chamond, MRR, Ortiz, PS, Fernandez, NG, Boillos, AB, Cenarruzabeitia, NV, Seara, MAF, Dorronsoro, ID, Moreno, PM, Lavilla, FJ, Torres, A, Miranda, DM, Hernandez, APR, Redondo, ED, Porrini, E, Caso, MDC, Tamajon, MLP, Hernandez, MR, Rebollo, MSG, Mallen, PD, Gonzalez, AA, Rinne, AMG, Rodriguez, RM, Torres, SE, Sosa, DA, Cabrera, BE, Rodriguez, NZ, Hernandez, AF, Gamboa, MJR, de los Angeles, CCM, Lourdes, PTM, Margarita, RH, Sagrario, GRM, Patricia, DM, Alejandra, AG, Maria, GRA, Rosa, MR, Sara, ET, Diego, AS, Beatriz, EC, Nayara, ZR, Arminda, FH, Jose, RGM, Bermejo, MLG, Lucas, MF, Moreno, EC, Munoz, LS, Huertas, SS, Serrano, EMR, Munoz, MER, Toro, LC, Agudo, CPB, Alvarez, CG, Portoles, J, Marques, M, Rubio, E, Sanchez-Sobrino, B, Garcia-Menendez, E, Fernandez, AL, Benitez, PR, Gonzalez, MAGN, Gallardo, ML, Juarez, GMF, Martinez, EG, Terente, MP, Ribera, AT, Escribano, TC, Fontan, FC, Fernandez, AS, Perez-Monteoliva, NRR, Huerta, EL, Rodriguez, GG, Hernandez, SB, Zamorano, SM, Gomez, JML and Gonzalez, AG.

    CKD: The burden of disease invisible to research funders

    Nefrologia 42(1): 65-84


  • Monguio-Tortajada, M, Prat-Vidal, C, Martinez-Falguera, D, Teis, A, Soler-Botija, C, Courageux, Y, Munizaga-Larroude, M, Moron-Font, M, Bayes-Genis, A, Borras, FE, Roura, S and Galvez-Monton, C.

    Acellular cardiac scaffolds enriched with MSC-derived extracellular vesicles limit ventricular remodelling and exert local and systemic immunomodulation in a myocardial infarction porcine model

    Theranostics 12(10): 4656-4670


  • Cucchiari, D, Tubita, V, Rovira, J, Ramirez-Bajo, MJ, Banon-Maneus, E, Lazo-Rodriguez, M, Hierro-Garcia, N, Borras, FE, Ventura-Aguiar, P, Pineiro, GJ, Martorell, J, Peri, L, Musquera, M, Hertig, A, Oppenheimer, F, Campistol, JM, Diekmann, F and Revuelta, I.

    B Cell-Derived Extracellular Vesicles Reveal Residual B Cell Activity in Kidney Graft Recipients Undergoing Pre-Transplant Desensitization

    FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE 8: 781239-781239


  • Garcia, SG, Sandoval-Hellin, N and Franquesa, M.

    Regulatory B Cell Therapy in Kidney Transplantation

    Frontiers in Pharmacology 12: 791450-791450


  • Monguio-Tortajada, M, Prat-Vidal, C, Moron-Font, M, Clos-Sansalvador, M, Calle, A, Gastelurrutia, P, Cserkoova, A, Morancho, A, Ramirez, MA, Rosell, A, Bayes-Genis, A, Galvez-Monton, C, Borras, FE and Roura, S.

    Local administration of porcine immunomodulatory, chemotactic and angiogenic extracellular vesicles using engineered cardiac scaffolds for myocardial infarction

    Bioactive Materials 6(10): 3314-3327


  • Gamez-Valero, A, Campdelacreu, J, Vilas, D, Ispierto, L, Gascon-Bayarri, J, Rene, R, Alvarez, R, Armengol, MP, Borras, FE and Beyer, K.

    Platelet miRNA Biosignature Discriminates between Dementia with Lewy Bodies and Alzheimer's Disease

    Biomedicines 9(9):


  • Carreras-Planella, L, Cucchiari, D, Canas, L, Juega, J, Franquesa, M, Bonet, J, Revuelta, I, Diekmann, F, Taco, O, Lauzurica, R and Borras, FE.

    Urinary vitronectin identifies patients with high levels of fibrosis in kidney grafts

    Journal of Nephrology 34(3): 861-874


  • Erdbrugger, U, Blijdorp, CJ, Bijnsdorp, IV, Borras, FE, Burger, D, Bussolati, B, Byrd, JB, Clayton, A, Dear, JW, Falcon-Perez, JM, Grange, C, Hill, AF, Holthofer, H, Hoorn, EJ, Jenster, G, Jimenez, CR, Junker, K, Klein, J, Knepper, MA, Koritzinsky, EH, Luther, JM, Lenassi, M, Leivo, J, Mertens, I, Musante, L, Oeyen, E, Puhka, M, van Royen, ME, Sanchez, C, Soekmadji, C, Thongboonkerd, V, van Steijn, V, Verhaegh, G, Webber, JP, Witwer, K, Yuen, PST, Zheng, L, Llorente, A and Martens-Uzunova, ES.

    Urinary extracellular vesicles: A position paper by the Urine Task Force of the International Society for Extracellular Vesicles

    Journal of Extracellular Vesicles 10(7):


  • Jaya, FMN, Garcia, SG, Borras, FE, Guerrero, D, Chan, GCF and Franquesa, M.

    In Vitro Characterization of Human CD24(hi)CD38(hi) Regulatory B Cells Shows CD9 Is Not a Stable Breg Cell Marker

    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22(9):


  • Calle, A, Gutierrez-Reinoso, MA, Re, M, Blanco, J, De la Fuente, J, Monguio-Tortajada, M, Borras, FE, Yanez-Mo, M and Ramirez, MA.

    Bovine peripheral blood MSCs chemotax towards inflammation and embryo implantation stimuli

    Journal of Cellular Physiology 236(2): 1054-1067


  • Royo, F, Azkargorta, M, Lavin, JL, Clos-Garcia, M, Cortazar, AR, Gonzalez-Lopez, M, Barcena, L, del Portillo, HA, Yanez-Mo, M, Marcilla, A, Borras, FE, Peinado, H, Guerrero, I, Vales-Gomez, M, Cereijo, U, Sardon, T, Aransay, AM, Elortza, F and Falcon-Perez, JM.

    Extracellular Vesicles From Liver Progenitor Cells Downregulates Fibroblast Metabolic Activity and Increase the Expression of Immune-Response Related Molecules

    Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 8: 613583-613583


  • Benet, S, Galvez, C, Drobniewski, F, Kontsevaya, I, Arias, L, Monguio-Tortajada, M, Erkizia, I, Urrea, V, Ong, RY, Luquin, M, Dupont, M, Chojnacki, J, Dalmau, J, Cardona, P, Neyrolles, O, Lugo-Villarino, G, Verollet, C, Julian, E, Furrer, H, Gunthard, HF, Crocker, PR, Tapia, G, Borras, FE, Fellay, J, McLaren, PJ, Telenti, A, Cardona, PJ, Clotet, B, Vilaplana, C, Martinez-Picado, J and Izquierdo-Useros, N.

    Dissemination of Mycobacterium tuberculosis is associated to a SIGLEC1 null variant that limits antigen exchange via trafficking extracellular vesicles

    Journal of Extracellular Vesicles 10(3):


  • Carreras-Planella, L, Juega, J, Taco, O, Canas, L, Franquesa, M, Lauzurica, R and Borras, FE.

    Proteomic Characterization of Urinary Extracellular Vesicles from Kidney-Transplanted Patients Treated with Calcineurin Inhibitors

    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(20):


  • Borger, V, Weiss, DJ, Anderson, JD, Borras, FE, Bussolati, B, Carter, DRF, Dominici, M, Falcon-Perez, JM, Gimona, M, Hill, AF, Hoffman, AM, de Kleijn, D, Levine, BL, Lim, R, Lotvall, J, Mitsialis, SA, Monguio-Tortajada, M, Muraca, M, Nieuwland, R, Nowocin, A, O'Driscoll, L, Ortiz, LA, Phinney, DG, Reischl, I, Rohde, E, Sanzenbacher, R, Thery, C, Toh, WS, Witwer, KW, Lim, SK and Giebel, B.

    International Society for Extracellular Vesicles and International Society for Cell and Gene Therapy statement on extracellular vesicles from mesenchymal stromal cells and other cells: considerations for potential therapeutic agents to suppress coronavirus disease-19

    Cytotherapy 22(9): 482-485


  • Roura, S, Monguio-Tortajada, M, Munizaga-Larroude, M, Clos-Sansalvador, M, Franquesa, M, Rose, A and Borras, FE.

    Potential of Extracellular Vesicle-Associated TSG-6 from Adipose Mesenchymal Stromal Cells in Traumatic Brain Injury

    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(18):


  • Hoogduijn, MJ, Montserrat, N, van der Laan, LJW, Dazzi, F, Perico, N, Kastrup, J, Gilbo, N, Ploeg, RJ, Roobrouck, V, Casiraghi, F, Johnson, CL, Franquesa, M, Dahlke, MH, Massey, E, Hosgood, S and Reinders, MEJ.

    The emergence of regenerative medicine in organ transplantation: 1st European Cell Therapy and Organ Regeneration Section meeting

    Transplant International 33(8): 833-840


  • Bonomini M, Borras FE, Troya-Saborido M, Carreras-Planella L, Di Liberato L and Arduini A.

    Proteomic Research in Peritoneal Dialysis.

    International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(15):


  • Jaya, FNM, Garcia, SG, Borras, FE, Chan, GCF and Franquesa, M.

    Paradoxical role of Breg-inducing cytokines in autoimmune diseases

    Journal Of Translational Autoimmunity 2: 100011-100011


  • Carreras-Planella, L, Soler-Majoral, J, Rubio-Esteve, C, Moron-Font, M, Franquesa, M, BonalL, J, Troya-Saborido, MI and Borras, FE.

    Proteomic profiling of peritoneal dialysis effluent-derived extracellular vesicles: a longitudinal study

    Journal of Nephrology 32(6): 1021-1031


  • Cabrera-Perez, R, Monguio-Tortajada, M, Gamez-Valero, A, Rojas-Marquez, R, Borras, FE, Roura, S and Vives, J.

    Osteogenic commitment of Wharton's jelly mesenchymal stromal cells: mechanisms and implications for bioprocess development and clinical application

    STEM CELL RESEARCH & THERAPY 10(1): 356-356


  • Gamez-Valero, A, Campdelacreu, J, Vilas, D, Ispierto, L, Rene, R, Alvarez, R, Armengol, MP, Borras, FE and Beyer, K.

    Exploratory study on microRNA profiles from plasma-derived extracellular vesicles in Alzheimer's disease and dementia with Lewy bodies

    Translational Neurodegeneration 8(1): 31-31


  • Gamez-Valero, A, Campdelacreu, J, Rene, R, Beyer, K and Borras, FE.

    Comprehensive proteomic profiling of plasma-derived Extracellular Vesicles from dementia with Lewy Bodies patients

    Scientific Reports 9(1): 13282-13282


  • Sentenach-Carbo A, Batlle C, Franquesa M, García-Fernandez E, Rico L, Shamirian-Pulido L, Pérez M, Deu-Valenzuela E, Ardite E, Funtikova AN, Estruch R and Bach-Faig A.

    Adherence Of Spanish Primary Physicians And Clinical Practise To The Mediterranean Diet.

    European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 72(Suppl 1): 92-98


  • Palomares Cabeza V, Hoogduijn MJ, Kraaijeveld R, Franquesa M, Witte-Bouma J, Wolvius EB, Farrell E and Brama PAJ.

    Pediatric Mesenchymal Stem Cells Exhibit Immunomodulatory Properties Toward Allogeneic T and B Cells Under Inflammatory Conditions.

    Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 7: 142-142


  • Carreras-Planella, L, Monguio-Tortajada, M, Borras, FE and Franquesa, M.

    Immunomodulatory Effect of MSC on B Cells Is Independent of Secreted Extracellular Vesicles

    Frontiers in Immunology 10: 1288-1288


  • Monguió-Tortajada M, Morón-Font M, Gámez-Valero A, Carreras-Planella L, Borràs FE and Franquesa M.

    Extracellular-Vesicle Isolation from Different Biological Fluids by Size-Exclusion Chromatography.

    Current Protocols in Stem Cell Biology 49(1):


  • Monguio-Tortajada, M, Galvez-Monton, C, Bayes-Genis, A, Roura, S and Borras, FE.

    Extracellular vesicle isolation methods: rising impact of size-exclusion chromatography

    Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 76(12): 2369-2382


  • Franquesa, M, Pujol-Busquets, G, Garcia-Fernandez, E, Rico, L, Shamirian-Pulido, L, Aguilar-Martinez, A, Medina, FX, Serra-Majem, L and Bach-Faig, A.

    Mediterranean Diet and Cardiodiabesity: A Systematic Review through Evidence-Based Answers to Key Clinical Questions

    Nutrients 11(3):


  • Calle, A, Lopez-Martin, S, Monguio-Tortajada, M, Borras, FE, Yanez-Mo, M and Ramirez, MA.

    Bovine endometrial MSC: mesenchymal to epithelial transition during luteolysis and tropism to implantation niche for immunomodulation

